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Iraq war essay

Iraq war essay

The invasion of Iraq. With various crisis emerging and EU trying to play a significant role, it became increasingly clear in s that European defence policy had serious shortcomings and no single European state alone could play an effective role in the resolution of global crisis. Although Iraq was supported by the United States in Iran-Iraq war but it strongly criticized Hussein's tyrannical strategies and unrelenting arms increase, iraq war essay. Bring 'em home! References Author not iraq war essay Words


Get your assignments done by real pros. Save your precious time and boost your marks with ease. Just fill in your HW requirements and you can count on us! It is the common view that the war imposed by Bush Administration on Iraq is turning into another Vietnam War. John While discussing about this issue Ronald Bruce St. John, the analyst for Foreign Policy in Focus retorts that Iraq war is very similar to that of Vietnam war because he has stayed in Vietnam for about 10 years, from to Though Bush first denied, iraq war essay, the fact that the Iraq war and Vietnam war are somewhat similar to each other, Ronald Bruce St. President, iraq war essay, but Iraq looks a lot like Iraq war essay. He confessed it in an interview given the ABC channel.

Bush agreed that the New York Time Columnist Thomas Friedman is right in his iraq war essay that the Jihadists are equivalent to the Tet offensive in Vietnam. It is necessary to compare both these wars from different perspectives. Here we should think about some major points to show the similarities and differences between these wars. This includes the background and purposes, strength and international support, public opinions, Losses and aftermaths and the opinions about the two Presidents who are related to the war. The Iraq war was fought on the background of the terrible attack on World Trade Center Buildings those had been an Achilles heel for America.

The diplomatic purposes of Iraq war officially announced by the US and allies include the following points:. For more help, iraq war essay into our pool of professional writers and get expert essay editing services! While objecting on these reasons many critics point out different views. And by invading Iraq America was planning to settle its monopoly on the crude oil. The purpose behind Vietnam War was totally different. Growing communism was the basic concern for United States. China adopted communism in Soviet Union was a communist country.

In Vietnam the condition was confusing. South Vietnam was under the influence iraq war essay capitalism while North Vietnam had adopted the communism and thus was supported by China and Soviet Russia. If the whole Vietnam had come under the Communist influence America would have lost its hold in Asia. This was the major reason United States waged war against Vietnam, iraq war essay. If we take into consideration the public opinion we will come to know that the attitude of common American citizens towards the Iraq war is conspicuously similar to the public opinion towards Vietnam War in taken in According to some historians as well as political scientists the Iraq war will shape American attitudes on foreign policies and the use of military force long after it is over like that of Vietnam conflict.

The same attitude was there in poll iraq war essay at the time of Vietnam War. During the Iraq war also almost same percent, i. During the war iraq war essay Vietnam initially the American people supported the war but iraq war essay late a plurality agreed that America had committed a very wrong deed by attacking on Vietnam. Vietnam was a country with a long national history. As compared to Vietnam Iraq was a very young nation which was already facing the major serious iraq war essay of sectarian conflict which was the main threat to the progress, unity and integrity of the nation.

While fighting with Vietnam America was fighting with such enemy who was highly experienced, skillful, iraq war essay, tactful and professional with an optimum international support and legitimacy. The military also was not strong as compared to Vietnam. Vietnam was a Communist country and it had a clear proper political, social and economical Agenda. The war was centrally directed, classic and peasant based and moist model based. Unlike Vietnam the war of Iraq was lacking professionalism in the war and there was a lack of unity. The civil war which took place in Iraq between the Sunnis and Shias also created much anarchy.

The internal unity was not there then how can any nation survive before the strongest nation of the world? In such situation it is not possible for any nation to survive. The Iraq war was fought by many scattered groups and they had no particular aim before their vision. The major point during Vietnam War was that Vietnam as mentioned above was a communist country and that is the reason it was getting a massive support from the two major communist superpowers, Soviet Union and China. Though actually not participated in the war, Moscow and Beijing were playing a role of the patrons by providing exorbitant assistance to Vietnam.

This helped Vietnam to sustain its military strength. There were two superpowers in the world at the time of Vietnam War, America and Russia. One of these superpowers was constantly supporting to North Vietnam. The US had no way except to be alert and conscious, iraq war essay. But Bush Administration had no such fear because Saddam Hussein had been totally isolated. As compared to Vietnam Iraq was a weak foe for America as it is isolated politically. Unlike Vietnam Iraq was neither supported by any superpower that could check America nor any other powerful nation who could stand firmly behind this small nation. He had no access to the advanced technologies. Plus America was supported by the most advanced countries on the planet for this war, iraq war essay.

Among them are United Kingdom, Denmark, Australia, and Poland. So in such case it was not possible for Saddam to survive his country before the one and only superpower and its strong allies. While fighting against this superpower and its allies the Iraqi insurgents were lacking in an apparent ideology. They had no vision about the future of their nation. And they were fighting with the superpower in very decentralized and uncoordinated manners. According to some critics the Iraq war was very small as compared to the War fought against Vietnam.

But iraq war essay to my personal opinion Iraq war is a dreadful experience for the common people though it is very small for the rulers and the politicians. It led the common man into a terrible misery. Take the common man into iraq war essay and one will come to know the intensity of this war. The loss in Iraq was comparatively much to that of Vietnam. The common man in Iraq was quite got used to the Unemployment, torture, brutal rape incidents, iraq war essay, rain of bombing, iraq war essay, murders, suicides, and the acute domestic problems like gasoline, water and electricity shortage. The devastation knew no bound at all. If we read the devastation story from the common man we come to know the horrible situation.

This is the data of this decay in Iraq. This is not at all. Much more damage happened than this. Radio stations, museums, retirement homes everywhere there is a vast and severe damages which are beyond repair. Dams were the worst affected places. Many civilians, many from the troops were killed. Everywhere there is anarchy and anarchy. Iraq was burning, iraq war essay. Constant attacks, iraq war essay, lootings had made it impossible for the common man even to breathe. Iraq war essay of Iraq in such a terrible situation was a Herculean Task for anybody, iraq war essay. This blog is enough to know the devastation in Iraq.

Vietnam War was also a dreadful one from the point of view of human loss. Approximately 3 to 4 million Vietnamese from both sides lost their life. About 1. More than 58, Americans were also killed during the war. This war was the most unpopular and longest in the history of America. More than twice of the US troops were deployed in Vietnam during the wartime. The number is , while at the time of Iraq war the number was less than half that isIn the contemporary American President Johnson delivered his annual message to Congress. While describing their respective enemies both these president incline towards calling them the dictators who are repressing the noble the ethics of Democracy, iraq war essay.

And being a patron of democracy it is the duty and responsibility of America to cherish the democracy from all threats. The enemy considers every retreat of the civilized world as an invitation to greater violence. Vietnam war was a war of communism verses capitalism, while Iraq war was the war of terrorism verses democracy. But in both of these wars America, the common fighter seems to be frustrating and it rambled from its target and the actual reason. There fight became visionless and meaniningless at iraq war essay end. Whatever may be the reasons these two wars are a stigma to humanity. Rather war is not a solution for any problem. This results only in destruction and decay. The politicians always remain far away from the sufferings which the common man has to suffer for no reason.

The common man wants peace, prosperity and a security. Innumerable human loss is not affordable either for the winner or for the looser. America as a mightest nation should know iraq war essay accountability. If America is really willing to establish democracy in the whole world it should know that war and aggressive policy is not the solution.

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which brought the world together in unity against a global threat by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. The United States was asked by […]. Iraq is a country of southwestern Asia, the middle east. Iraq gained its independence in but still remained subject to the British empire. Iraq was able to overthrow the monarchy in It was later found that Iraq had large amounts of oil reserves coming in second in the world. These discoveries were able […]. The Second Gulf War took place in with the invasion of Iraq. What led to the Iraq war was what took place on September 11, The deadliest terror attack on U. soil was the biggest reason the Second Gulf War took place. This war was set out to accomplish a set of goals; […]. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Iraq war prepared by our experts:.

Based on that knowledge one cannot help but feel that the main priority for the United States government invasion was to disarm Iraq and, consequently, participate in the downfall of the ruling regime. President Bush and his administration wanted Iraq to follow democracy principles and end the tradition of dictatorship which was rampant in the Middle East countries including Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and Pakistan among others. The ongoing authoritarian rule propagated by Saddam Hussein and his Baath party was extremely hard to control due to many reported cases of human rights abuses towards dissenting citizens.

Iraq had some of the worst human rights abuses and it was a matter of concern for Bush since he felt that every government should provide an environment in which each individual would have the chance to lead a decent life, yet the ruling regime in Iraq was in the frontline to abuse its citizens Fordham, For that reason, the US administration felt that it was obligatory to replace the tyrannical rule of Saddam Hussein and his Baathist regime with democracy. President Bush and his administration reasoned that if Iraq became a democratic state, it would set an example to other countries in the Middle East. Consequently, the era of hostile authoritarian regimes would come to an end, replaced by friendly chosen governments that were not only democratic, but also pro-American, which would ensure that the Middle East citizens enjoy a stable, peaceful, and secure life Christopher, President Bush felt that encouraging the countries in the Middle East to embrace democratic principles would signify major victory in the War on Terror since there would no longer be militia activities in these countries.

However, the attempted democratization of Iraq and other Middle East states proved futile and for that reason political instability continues to thrive Roussel, Still, after the Iraq invasion, many citizens obtained a chance to enjoy more rights including their ability to vote which meant that the American dominance in influencing foreign affairs became even more pronounced. On that note, the fourth reason that exemplifies the invasion of Iraq is the desire of the US to reaffirm its position as a super power. The fact that every government has the obligation to protect its citizens is undisputable. The assertion is that President Bush aimed to erase any manifestation of weakness, so that the rest of the world would realize that the US was capable of using force as an option to maintain peace and security for their country.

Due to its links with the terrorists and its possession and manufacture of nuclear weapons, Iraq seemed as the most visible enemy Christopher, That is why the US targeted Iraq with the intention to send a message to other possible terrorist states, warning them not to disrupt the stability of the US and also of the whole world. In other words, the administration of President Bush was sending a message that the US military was still the most powerful in the word. One can presume the provocation by Iraq through their links to the terrorists provided an alibi for the US to reiterate their global power and authority Roussel, Moreover, the fact that Iraq was highly suspected of being in possession of the weapons of mass destruction, the Bush administration knew that failure to act would result in further global catastrophes as the weapons could be used for further terror actions, thereby undermining peace in the whole world Schwartz, Further, Iraq manufactured the weapons of mass destruction and even used it to terrorize its neighbors and the citizens.

To summarize, another reason for the US invasion of Iraq was the need for the America to reaffirm itself as the dominant superpower. The Bush administration felt the threat of terrorism had undermined its superiority and, hence, the need to teach a lesson to Iraq and other nations that supported terror activities at whatever level emerged. Overall, understanding the causes of the US invasion of Iraq is critical in shedding light on what really pushed the US to the extent of imposing war on Iraq regardless of the financial and humanitarian costs involved. Our team will make your paper up to your expectations so that you will come back to buy from us again. Free Essays. Causes of the Iraq War. Authorization E-mail: Password: Password reminder To register place your 1st order.

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