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Class observation essay

Class observation essay

Statistical Data Included Child Study Journal Houseal, Ana Self-efficacy, standards, and benchmarks as factors in teaching elementary school science. For example, teachers have found multiple ways to restructure technology class observation essay high school history that have made an often very dry topic come to life. Improving Classroom Discipline- Potential Data Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper : Also, the classroom rules, class observation essay, regulations and procedures were pinned on the classroom walls, and it seemed that every student knew and understood them since they behaved accordingly. Iowa City, IA: Author.

Make a paper that will meet all the necessary instructions.

During Math class the students will create forms on which to gather data about their own eating habits. For a more in depth look at these activities and their objectives, please refer to the attached lesson plans. The activities within this unit begin as behaviorist in nature, but become more constructivist as they progress. For example, in Lesson Plan 1 the teacher begins by questioning the students about foods they have eaten at local restaurants. To ensure that the students get top-notch education, class observation essay, teachers attend staff meetings, serve on committees, and attend workshops or in-service training activities. When students get restless of being indoors, they have a special designated spot in their schedule reserved for outdoor activities, which they are responsible for.

They must be willing to Prepare bulletin boards, correct papers and tests, and keep records and reports of the student. Every year, a teacher must evaluate student performance, and when need be, counsel pupils with academic and adjustment problems. I feel that teaching can only benefit from parents being involved in the classroom, class observation essay. I chose this topic to hopefully class observation essay me learn how to incorporate parents in my classroom every day. She writes in the note inviting the parents class observation essay read to the class, and come in a volunteer for field trips that week. She also mentions how she has an open door policy for class observation essay parents are allowed to come and watch her class whenever they would like.

The mornings and when the students are coming in her classroom is a good time to greet the parents. She says this helps to from a bond with the parents and if they have any concerns they can talk for a bit. In her classroom her students get evaluated three times a yea middle of paper and certain traditions that come with the holidays. American culture is incubated and hatched in the cafeteria. Students go to the dining hall to get the food their bodies need for proper nourishment. But, food is by no means the only thing that students get at the cafeteria - they are also served with social interaction. The cafeteria is a place which some students love and which others dread. It is generally an integral part of children's social lives from elementary school all the way into college.

Students will be able to use past perfect to communicate their own life experience through reading, writing, class observation essay orally. Assumptions Students have learned past simple tense Students have had some experience with eating at restaurants Anticipated Problems and Possible Solutions Students will struggle with using the correct words Students might use future perfect in or other tenses instead of the past perfect Students might struggle with creating ideas in the production stage Materials Pictures of different types of restaurants, Asian, class observation essay, Italian.

Developmental Goal 1: Listening and responding to staff appropriately. The child will be given multiple opportunities throughout the day to follow directions provided to him by staff and his class observation essay. The school wide intervention program will also be taught to the parents so the child will develop a generalization in the use of vocabulary. If everyone who works with the child uses the same terminology, the child will. This would be a way I would like to reach out to parents and let them know they are welcomed in the class and how much the class would love it. My collaborative teacher in my kindergarten class has a great relationship with the parents of the children in her classroom. Therefore, class observation essay, I am getting to see how to build that relationship from day one of school and how beneficial it is to the student, parent, and.

The first goal that consumers attempt to balance when deciding what and where to eat is social pleasure. Consumers gain pleasure and acceptance when eating and interacting socially. In restaurants, people can gather with family members for socialization. Fast food dining also enables people to renew and strengthen friendships. Class observation essay also dine in restaurants to sometimes celebrate special occasions. I seen her interaction with these students and the great respect they held for her. The best part was seeing how the dynamic changed working with in the resource room and in the classrooms. In the resource room Haley was able to personalize and re-teach material they were learning in the classroom. When they were in the classroom, Haley would be a class observation essay taking notes along their side and would help guide her students through the lesson.

Home Page My Classroom Observation Experience. My Classroom Observation Experience Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. For my observation experience I went to Southern High School in Harwood, class observation essay, MD. Southern High School has a special education department for the students with disabilities. The teacher that I met with for this classroom observation was Ms. In the classroom there were at least four assistant teachers that helped Ms. West throughout the school day. The assistant teachers helped Ms. West co- teach the class and were there to help the students if they needed extra help. The school also has a couple of student aides that come in to help the teachers and the students in the classroom, class observation essay.

There were at least twelve students in the classroom. The students in the class had many different exceptionalities such as learning disabilities, Down syndrome, …show more content… For that day the students participated in their community based instruction lesson. The community based instruction lessons help the students practice and learn life skills that they will need such as cooking, how to shop at a store, how to pay for something class observation essay the checkout lines at stores, and how to behave in a restaurant. For their community based instruction for that day the students were learning how to behave in a restaurant and were taken to an Italian restaurant to practice how to behave and what to do while they are there, class observation essay.

The teacher went through the steps of what to do when you are at a restaurant enter the restaurant, follow the hostess to the class observation essay, sit properly in your seat, order your drinks when they waiter asks what you would like, etc. The teacher put the students into groups of four with who they will be sitting with at their tables in the restaurant. The teacher practiced with the students by going over to each group and asked them what they would like. and how to order their drinks and food. The students also had note cards that they had filled out and the note cards had what they want to drink and what they want class observation essay eat.

These note cards …show more content… The teachers were giving the students positive reinforcement throughout the day. In class we talked about how positive reinforcement helps the students to succeed in their classes, class observation essay. Another ah-ha moment was the environment of the classroom. The classroom had no windows at all. In class class observation essay talked about what kinds of things are distracting to students with ASD in classrooms and one of those things are the windows in classrooms, class observation essay. The third ah-ha moment was the parent sheets that the teacher and the school provide for the parents. In class we talked about how parent involvement is very important for the students with disabilities. The teacher fills out the parent involvement paper that lets the parents know how the child did in school class observation essay week and what their child needs to improve on.

The students must give their paper to their parents to look at when they get home. I will go over with the students what the student learning objectives are in the beginning of class so the students will know what they will be doing and what they will be learning throughout the day. I also will use positive. Get Access, class observation essay. Powerful Essays. Lesson Plans and Curriculum Words 4 Pages 1 Works Cited. Lesson Plans and Curriculum. Read Class observation essay. Good Essays.

Elementary School Teaching Words 2 Pages. Elementary School Teaching. Satisfactory Essays. Essay On Literacy Instruction Words 2 Pages. Essay On Literacy Instruction. Involved Parents Is Main Goal of a Classroom Teacher Words 2 Pages. Involved Parents Is Main Goal of a Classroom Teacher, class observation essay. The School Cafeteria and Social Interaction Words 4 Pages. The School Cafeteria and Social Interaction. My Favorite Restaurant Experience Essay Words 3 Pages. My Favorite Restaurant Experience Essay. Better Essays. Child Development Goals: Developmental Goals Words 2 Pages. Class observation essay Development Goals: Developmental Goals. Parent Teacher Relationship Essay Words 2 Pages. Parent Teacher Relationship Essay. The Reasons People Eat Fast Food Words 2 Class observation essay. The Reasons People Eat Fast Food.

Classroom Reflection Words 2 Pages. Classroom Reflection. Related Topics.

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Every year, a teacher must evaluate student performance, and when need be, counsel pupils with academic and adjustment problems. I feel that teaching can only benefit from parents being involved in the classroom. I chose this topic to hopefully help me learn how to incorporate parents in my classroom every day. She writes in the note inviting the parents to read to the class, and come in a volunteer for field trips that week. She also mentions how she has an open door policy for the parents are allowed to come and watch her class whenever they would like. The mornings and when the students are coming in her classroom is a good time to greet the parents.

She says this helps to from a bond with the parents and if they have any concerns they can talk for a bit. In her classroom her students get evaluated three times a yea middle of paper and certain traditions that come with the holidays. American culture is incubated and hatched in the cafeteria. Students go to the dining hall to get the food their bodies need for proper nourishment. But, food is by no means the only thing that students get at the cafeteria - they are also served with social interaction. The cafeteria is a place which some students love and which others dread.

It is generally an integral part of children's social lives from elementary school all the way into college. Students will be able to use past perfect to communicate their own life experience through reading, writing, and orally. Assumptions Students have learned past simple tense Students have had some experience with eating at restaurants Anticipated Problems and Possible Solutions Students will struggle with using the correct words Students might use future perfect in or other tenses instead of the past perfect Students might struggle with creating ideas in the production stage Materials Pictures of different types of restaurants, Asian, Italian,. Developmental Goal 1: Listening and responding to staff appropriately. The child will be given multiple opportunities throughout the day to follow directions provided to him by staff and his parents.

The school wide intervention program will also be taught to the parents so the child will develop a generalization in the use of vocabulary. If everyone who works with the child uses the same terminology, the child will. This would be a way I would like to reach out to parents and let them know they are welcomed in the class and how much the class would love it. My collaborative teacher in my kindergarten class has a great relationship with the parents of the children in her classroom. Therefore, I am getting to see how to build that relationship from day one of school and how beneficial it is to the student, parent, and. The first goal that consumers attempt to balance when deciding what and where to eat is social pleasure. Consumers gain pleasure and acceptance when eating and interacting socially.

In restaurants, people can gather with family members for socialization. Fast food dining also enables people to renew and strengthen friendships. They also dine in restaurants to sometimes celebrate special occasions. I seen her interaction with these students and the great respect they held for her. The best part was seeing how the dynamic changed working with in the resource room and in the classrooms. In the resource room Haley was able to personalize and re-teach material they were learning in the classroom. When they were in the classroom, Haley would be a student taking notes along their side and would help guide her students through the lesson.

Home Page My Classroom Observation Experience. My Classroom Observation Experience Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. For my observation experience I went to Southern High School in Harwood, MD. Southern High School has a special education department for the students with disabilities. The teacher that I met with for this classroom observation was Ms. In the classroom there were at least four assistant teachers that helped Ms. West throughout the school day. The assistant teachers helped Ms. West co- teach the class and were there to help the students if they needed extra help.

The school also has a couple of student aides that come in to help the teachers and the students in the classroom. There were at least twelve students in the classroom. The students in the class had many different exceptionalities such as learning disabilities, Down syndrome, …show more content… For that day the students participated in their community based instruction lesson. The community based instruction lessons help the students practice and learn life skills that they will need such as cooking, how to shop at a store, how to pay for something at the checkout lines at stores, and how to behave in a restaurant.

For their community based instruction for that day the students were learning how to behave in a restaurant and were taken to an Italian restaurant to practice how to behave and what to do while they are there. The teacher went through the steps of what to do when you are at a restaurant enter the restaurant, follow the hostess to the table, sit properly in your seat, order your drinks when they waiter asks what you would like, etc. Constructivism, of course, is a theory of knowledge arguing that humans generate knowledge and meaning by way of experience.

In science, for instance, this implies epistemology and experimentation, not simply lecture and instructor-generated knowledge Kim, In general, social constructivism views each student as having unique needs and backgrounds -- and is quite complex and multidimensional. Social constructivism not only allows for this uniqueness, but actual encourages, utilizes, and even wards it as part of the learning process Dougiamas, It encourages the student to arrive at their own version of the truth, of course influenced by their own worldview as well as the nature of instruction. The responsibility of the actual learning, then, resides with the student, and emphasizes the importance of the student remaining actively involved in the process.

The motivation for learning is based, in many ways, on Vygotsky's "Zone of proximal development" -- a theory that posits that learners are challenged in proximity to their current level of development, yet slightly above. Constructivism was abundant within Mrs. Menocal's classroom; from the use of exploratory questions and allowing students to "discover" answers on their own, to the pushing of the envelope several times when moving children out of their comfort zone and into a new zone of learning. I believe that, in the modern classroom, it is necessary to combine constructivism with a more realistic ecology for the learner. This is a synthesis of models, beginning with existing framework and gradually evolving forward.

This is known as a conceptual change model which is a way to aggressively move forward with a concept that is plausible and reaches a learning conclusion that is satisfying and robust. One might literally. Math Classroom Observation This eighth grade algebra class proved to be generally engaging, largely due to the efforts of the teacher. She does not rely solely on the text but rather uses it as a guide to preparing her curriculum and for devising equations for the students to solve in class. Otherwise, the teacher's explanation of the day's material comes across as being completely professional and based on a solid understanding of the mathematical principles at work. Her command of the subject matter is also evident in the way she confidently invites and promptly responds to all questions posed by students.

It is evident the teacher has a long-term agenda in mathematics; each topic flows into the next in a logical manner; she omits that which she feels is unnecessary and spends more time on issues that plague the majority of students. Whenever possible, she challenges her students with more…. She explained that the natural processes of geological erosion could be effectively duplicated and modeled accurately enough on a small scale to learn about geological erosion in the real world on the large scale. She explained that following the directions for examining the effects of different variables i. material composition, slope angle of natural deposits, and the amount of water fall, etc. would enable students to draw conclusions and answer quiz questions about geological erosion.

Teachable Moments A teachable moment arose repeatedly when three different work groups seemed to be having difficulty differentiating between the effects of multiple variables. The teacher took that opportunity to explain to the entire class how important it is to test all potential variables one at a time. During that instruction, she explained why altering multiple variables simultaneously undermined the value of any empirical experiment. Afterwards, the working groups returned to their projects and isolated…. instrumental case study approach in order to provide a description, analysis and interpretation of the phenomenon that exists at the intersection of technology and special needs students. The method will consist of evaluation research, which will be conducted to evaluate the effect of technology on special needs students.

Evaluation esearch is a form of study that employs social research methodology in order to establish an evaluation of a social program Powell, Evaluation research for example is used when a researcher is trying to examine and judge the merits of evaluate a specific social program. The researcher will use standard social research methods as a methodology for evaluating the merits of the program. For this study qualitative and quantitative data will be gathered from the students to establish the relationship between special needs students and technology in the classroom. Both students and teachers will take surveys that will utilize convenience….

References Clason, D. Analyzing data measured by individual Likert- type items. Journal of Agricultural Education, 35 4 : Creswell, J. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Approaches. CA: Sage. Description This observation is of an eighth grade mathematics class, in which algebra was being taught. This specific lesson on the day of observation was linear equations, with an introduction to word problems at the end of the lesson. The ages of the students were around thirteen years old; the teacher was in her early 20s and was African American. The classroom was small, only containing twelve students of various ethnic backgrounds. Also, the classroom was specifically arranged and designed as a math class because the posters on the wall, the props, and the computers were all set up for math lessons.

This is a middle school…. References An, S. The pedagogical content knowledge of middle school, mathematics teachers in China and the US. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 7 2 : htm Van De Walle, J. Elementary and middle school mathematics teaching development. Fourth Edition. pdf Webb, N. Promoting Helping Behavior in Cooperative Small Groups in Middle School Mathematics. American Educational Research Journal 31 2 : Classroom Observation and Commentary How the Teacher Promotes a Positive Classroom Environment for Reading Instruction The teacher promoted a positive classroom environment for reader instruction first by greeting the class warmly and announcing the activity that the class was going to do in a warm and enthusiastic tone.

The teacher then used cue cards with large print words in different colors to go over the various vocabulary terms that the class was going to read in their reading material for the day. The teacher sounded out the first few words and then invited the class to sound them out with her. Then she asked if anyone could spell the word. If a student raised a hand but had difficulty spelling or reading the word, the teacher encouraged the student by asking helpful…. Introduction It is easy to assume that a comprehensive decision making theory gives a reliable basis for an observation scheme for a classroom.

However, it is apparent that even though the practical and theoretical ventures overlap in many respects the core of the theoretical tenets are fundamentally variant. They are broader in some respects and narrow in others. The deterrents of real time implementation are significant and thus the scheme of analysis is fundamentally different from the theory frames that led to Schoenfeld, At the onset, I believed that teaching was about spending 8 hours teaching and having a great time with children. Indeed, teaching seemed the easiest career choice for me. However, having interacted with many a student from across the age spectrum and educational levels, there is a side of the world that can only be viewed from the inside of a class.

I changed my mind…. It provides a marker for conducting and easily recording observations of complex learning. This is in a paperless format, highly efficient and engaging strategy. When this happens, they will be able to more effectively relate to key ideas and have a grasp of the way they can be utilized in the future. It is this point, when everyone will have a more hands on feel for these ideas and can easily remember them. Wren, Ivers, Moreover, Johnson found that having individuals work with each other in small groups is more effective than requiring them to sit and listen to someone presenting the material. Evidence of this can be seen with Johnson saying, "The ability of all students to learn to work…. References Haberman, M. Star Teachers for Children and Youth in Urban Poverty.

The Phi Delta Kappan, 76 10 , pp. Howard, G. As Diversity Grows So Must We. Responding to Changing Demographics, 6 62 , pp. formed on properly executed observations does make out efficient teachers as well as practices itself. Teachers' accomplishes on the classroom surveillance mechanism of appraisal system dependably envisage the attainment increases undertaken by their students. The outcome upholds the notion that teacher assessment systems require not be founded on test scores only for the purpose of providing constructive in sequence as per which teachers are for the most part effectual in elevating student success. Teachers Evaluation System TES has been seen as an exceptional instance of sky-scraping quality assessment program founded on classroom observations.

At a bare minimum, it is a structure to which the quarter has dedicated substantial resources and this prove that teaching excellence is valued and recognized by the university. Focusing on the TES it is without doubt that the presence of appropriate resource as well as technical support is felt this is because the TES which is…. Education - Classroom Management Relationship etween the Use of ehavior Contracts and Student's Ability to Stay on Task An Introduction to ehavioral Contracting In dealing with children, there are cases when a teacher encounters a child who does not behave in a normal way as other children do.

For instance, a child may show constant inattentiveness to learning, or may demonstrate irresponsiveness to discipline. A child with such disruptive behaviors oftentimes requires special attention and monitoring as part of a process of modifying an unpleasant behavior into an appropriate one. One strategy used to deal behavioral difficulties of a child is ehavioral Contracting. From Family Education Network online , the following is a definition of behavioral contracting. A behavioral contract is a written contract that specifies the child's behavioral obligations in meeting the terms of the contract and the teacher's or parent's obligations once the child has met his or her…. Bibliography Watson, Christopher. Behavior Modification, A Proactive Intervention for the Classroom.

University of Minnesota. htm Behavior Modification. The teacher explained that the use of a commercial science-teaching program that emphasized hands-on participation and active inquiry in its design had helped her achieve high levels of genuine interest among her students. The teacher credited the hands-on involvement as well as the design of the lessons to emphasize critical thinking and inquiry-based analyses with the ability to sustain the high level of student…. References Gardner H. Intelligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic Books. Huber RA and Moore CJ. School Observation: Springfield Gardens Middle School The focus of this school observation is PS 59, Springfield Gardens Middle School in New York City.

The observation was conducted in three separate settings: a math class, the cafeteria, and the school's main office. The goal of the observation was to gain insight on the relationships between different stakeholders in the school community, including teachers, students, staff, administration, and parents, and how these relationships influence the connectedness of the school environment. The assumption is that school connectedness as summarized by Blum , can be measured by the presence or absence of factors such as positive student-faculty rapport, high academic expectations, and publically displayed efforts to strengthen school culture and safety.

The observations of the school, thus, considered school connectedness as evidenced by student-teacher rapport, exhibition of student work, teaching methods, and classroom comportment, and interaction between staff members. In addition, student body and…. References Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. School "Connectedness: Improving Student's Lives. Blum, R. New York City Department of Education. testing data for the WJ-J-IV Tests of oral language and the test of achievement for Freddie Fictitious. Identify the four Broad Clusters included on these two test batteries, then give the Standard Score for each and using the WJ-IV classification chart what Range not Proficiency would you place Freddie for each of these four Broad Clusters?

The four broad clusters on these two test batteries include broad reading, broad mathematics, broad written language, and broad oral language. In broad reading he got an 82, in the range of , which is a low WJ IV classification range. In broad math he got a , in the range of , which I would classify as the high average range. In broad written language he got an 81 SS with a range of , which puts him in the…. Classroom-based reading assessment is the measurement of children's progress in learning reading by using both formal and informal measurement tools.

Classroom Assessments Classroom assessment collects useful information about what students do and do not know about reading. Teachers can use four different types of assessments to accomplish this. Leveled Books Leveled books can be used to figure out where exactly a student is in terms of reading level. Informal procedures Rough observation and measurement can be used to figure out where exactly students are in terms of reading level. Tests Tests can be administered to find out where students' strengths and weaknesses are. Work Samples Collecting samples of a student's work can be instructive in figuring out where a student is in terms of reading level Determining Student's Reading Level Teachers must figure out where students are in terms of reading level so that they can progress in their learning….

In this artifact, the writer considered and analyzed what he observed during about 20 hours in a high school classroom. He noted both strengths and weaknesses in the teaching he saw. He noted that many students were actively engaged in the discussions. He reported that the teacher drew relevant examples from the novel being studied, 20, Leagues Under the Sea, and today, and extended that lesson into an assignment for the students. He observed students who were able to summarize the lessons well and enthusiastic desire to respond in many students. However, he also noted that students for whom English was not their first language seemed less engaged and markedly less likely to participate, and he did not observe…. Child Observation Term: Winter, John Age of Child: 6 years old Date of Observation: February 3, Time of Observation: to Place of Observation: Child Care Center Other People Present in the Observation Setting: 1 teacher, 1 assistants, 15 other children Development: Appears mostly normal; has some problems with fine motor skills and challenging cognitive skills.

Permission: Permission was granted by the Director of the Child Care Center, the child's teacher and his parents John was observed unobtrusively from some distance. The observer sat at a desk in the classroom while the teacher and assistant worked with children. The observer did not interact with the child and in fact remained out of the way of the children and teachers for the duration of the observation. The observation included classroom activities such as children writing their names, coloring, and building puzzles. The children then had snacks after which…. References McLeod, S. Jean Piaget. Simple Psychology. html McLeod, S.

Lev Vygotsy. Retrieved from:. Another important aspect of observational learning is retention. For effective classroom management to take place it is important the students understand and retain the few classroom management rules that will be set out in the beginning of the year. aise hand to speak Treat others with respect If you don't know then please ask The retention factor with regard to classroom management will be reinforced each time the students witness another student having to suit out for five minutes of recess because they failed to respond appropriately to the clapping signal for attention. In addition we will have a weekly short discussion about classroom rules and why they are important and how the students can help themselves and each other to remember what they are.

The production step in the path to observational learning with regard to effective classroom management will be easily found in the response of the class…. Statistical Data Included Child Study Journal Houseal, Ana Self-efficacy, standards, and benchmarks as factors in teaching elementary school science. Journal of Elementary Science Education Newman, Jean in the Trenches: Increasing Competency of Teachers-in Training by Having Them Conduct Individualized Interventions. Journal of Instructional Psychology.

Description of Child Being Observed: The subject is a five-year-old female: Maribel. Planning Stages: My friend has a five-year-old niece. The subject's mother was contacted and agreed to allow the observations to take place in her home and on the playground. The project was discussed and plans were made to accommodate all involved parties. Introductory Visit: The introductory visit was conducted at my friend's house, also the child's grandmother's home. Maribel often visits her grandmother and is very comfortable within this home setting. Upon this visit, Maribel was introduced to me as her aunt's visitor. She said, "hi" to me, and asked me if I was visiting her aunt. I replied yes, and asked Maribel if she would like to sit with me and wait….

References Alliance for Childhood. htm Bergen, D. Pretend Play and Young Children's Development. ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood, Fisch, S. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Kagan, J. World Book, Inc. There were some interesting results in the answers obtained. This interesting fact demonstrates that the Iraqi school system is behind the Australian school system and the Iraqi learners will need further 2nd language training. The fourth question delves into the educational background of the Iraqi students parents. A Muslim belief dictates many of the findings because Iraqi females often are not schooled and in some cases are illiterate.

Constructivism, the study of learning, is about how we all make sense of our world, and that really hasn't changed. Jean Piaget and John Dewey were early adaptors of "Progressive Education" ideals that led to the formal concept of constructivism. For Piaget, these ideas were grounded in the notion that people learned in logical increments, through structured introduction and that children absorbed information in different ways than did adults. John Dewey thought that learning should be associated with real life experience achieved through inquiry. Vygotsky introduced a social aspect by asserting that children exceed their average learning capability when interacting with others.

Bibliography Dettrick, G. Constructivist Teaching Strategies. School of Education Monash University - Gippsland Campus. Churchill Australia Dewey, John EW5: The reflex arc concept in psychology. DCS3 -- Audiotaped Interviews Children -- Interview students about ways they believe behavior or management intervention can be effective. Students innately understand that certain behaviors are acceptable and certain ones unacceptable, within the classroom. Use this to get their view on how they believe a teacher can be effective in classroom management and what that means to them.

DCS4 -- Interviews with experts -- Similarly, interview experts in the field of behavioral psychology, long-term teachers, or specialists in classroom management to discuss appropriate levels of classroom management and intervention techniques. DCS5 -- Behavioral Scales -- Once literature review and interviews are complete,…. Discipline by Design. xml Craig, D. Action Research Essentials. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. The Social Studies instruction that I observed was in a high school setting with students of diverse ethnicities and backgrounds. The demographic of the class consisted of 12 students, 5 female, 7 male; 3 African-American, 1 Asian-American, 1 Hispanic-American, and 1 foreign exchange student from Germany, as well as 6 Caucasian Americans.

There is about a mix of males and females in the student body. There is 1 Hispanic teacher. The Social Studies instruction I observed helped to prepare students for participation in a democratic society by focusing on the recent Occupy…. Fieldwork Paper and Fieldwork Form The purpose of the fieldwork is to observe the two certified special education teachers and make connections to course content within real world classroom settings. One of the schools where the observation was conducted is P. The school, which falls under New York City Public Schools district, is a pre-kindergarten to eighth grade learning institution that was established in September and has a student population of nearly students. This pre-kindergarten setting seeks to provide quality childcare for working parents and has existed for more than 35 years.

This paper provides a summary of observations made in each of these schools as part of this fieldwork. NI observed a fourth grade classroom during a science lesson. Bob is an intelligent ten-year-old child, but he has a difficult time paying attention to his teacher. He likes to get a lot of attention and when he gets bored he turns his focus to other destructive matters, such as throwing pencils up into the ceiling. Throwing pencils at the ceiling has gotten him in trouble many times. The teacher told me that once he was kicked out of the classroom for it.

From the general disruption of the class, I can see why. Bob is the "class clown. In the 45 minute class time, the teacher did not get much done due the need to punish Bob. This included sending him to the principal's office and then a good amount of time…. References Problem behaviors in the classroom: What they mean and how to help functional behavioral assessment. Child Study Center, , 7 2 , Retrieved from www. pdf Reducing behavior problems in the elementary school classroom. Richert, K. How to approach behavior problems in class. Elementary School ESL Teacher Befitting the United States of America's unique status as a cultural melting pot, the nation's educational system has learned to adapt its traditional method of English language instruction to suit students who primarily speak another language at home.

The concept of English as Second Language ESL learners has emerged during the last few decades to recognize the need for teachers to customize their lesson plans, becoming more inclusive in terms of accessibility to ESL students. In light of the fact that ESL students are far more likely to absorb English during their earliest years, many school districts have elected to integrate ESL instruction within the 1st and 2nd grade levels, in the hope that this proverbial head start will enable the majority of ESL students to effectively utilize English in the educational setting.

Recently, I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to observe a 1st…. Disrupting by Imagining: ethinking Early Childhood esearch Early Childhood esearch This research highlights four teachers who work in early childhood classrooms who have chosen to implement the use of video-observations of their teaching in conjunction with the reflective process. Each teacher profile will include discussions and interviews about their teaching and change implementation. The ideas for change will be based upon their own knowledge, skills, and dispositions along with evidence from the recorded and observed videotapes.

After viewing their own instruction, practitioners began the process of implementing change for individual students as well as for their class overall. References Bandura, A. Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: Freedom. Brophy, J. Using video in teacher education. San Diego, CA: Elsivier. Copa, A. Promoting professional and organizational development: A reflective practice model. Zero to Three, 20 1 , Cross, N. Coaching: Seven reasons to go to the tape. ASCD Express, 7 1. Chapter 1: Introduction The epigraph above is reflective of the views of many special educational needs teachers. Indeed, innovations in technology in recent decades have created a wide array of new opportunities for helping special needs student achieve their full academic potential.

These trends are especially noteworthy today because tens of millions of young American learners are struggling with their academic pursuits due to their special educational needs. The purpose of this grant proposal was to identify ways that special educational needs students can benefit from the introduction of technology in their classrooms based on the problem statement described below. Statement of the Problem According to the most recent estimates…. The appendixes offer examples of learning tools, from syllabus to handouts and closes with a recommended reading list.

Though the second work in this review is longer by almost pages it is also much simpler in its construct and clearer in intention as a manner to demonstrate the needs of the instructor to change the manner in which he or she constructs the classroom to facilitate learner-centered models that build a higher degree of student learning confidence and therefore success. hile the previous book has a more seminar style work, supported by research and application this second work has a higher degree of personal reading for teachers feel to it. The two together could offer a fantastic culmination of available resources for teachers to access to help build a case for and demonstrate tactics for moving the teacher centered plan to one that better meets the needs of learners.

Works Cited McCombs, Barbara L. And Miller, Linda Learner Centered Classroom Practices and Assessments New York: Corwin Press, Weimer, Maryellen. Learner-Centered Teaching: Five Key Changes to Teaching. New York: Jossey-Bass, Technology in History Classes] Since the beginning of education in the U. In a growing number of schools, technological innovations are beginning to significantly change the way that information is conveyed and students learn. Depending on the creativity of the teacher, the advent of computers, CD-ROMs, videodiscs, multimedia, and cable networks is expanding the breadth of the curriculum -- from mathematics to the social sciences.

For example, teachers have found multiple ways to restructure technology into high school history that have made an often very dry topic come to life. In Howard Gardner, a Harvard University professor, introduced his theory of "multiple intelligences" MI. His book Intelligence Reframed showed that…. Loewen, J. New York: New Press. Norton, P. New York: Hartcourt Brace. Warren, W. Personal Observations: Class Size vs. Quality Instruction I am not able to neatly separate my preparation and reading in the area of educational quality from my personal experience. The two sources of knowledge dovetail and flow back and forth in a highly influential manner.

I certainly agree that class size is a factor in student success, and a variable that can enable or hinder the ease with which a teacher provides quality educational opportunities for her students. My teacher preparation coursework and my reading on education policy lead me to believe that them most important variables -- next to the influences of home and community -- are those under the aegis of teachers. Teacher qualifications are a critical variable for student success. Naturally, the amount of resources available to a school, district, region, or state impact the level of quality that is provided to students through educational systems. One has…. Participant observation can, for purposes of simplicity, "be placed on a continuum with 'passive' participant observation at one end of the continuum, and 'active' participant observation at the other" Burgess, , p.

These two forms of observer participation give rise to four strategies; complete participant, complete observer, participant-as-observer, and observer-as-participant, which have been better-explained through the scenarios below Burgess, Observations of professional conduct in the classroom by the student author of a course evaluation guide The complete participant strategy works best in this case; the observer ought to act like a full member of the group and not reveal his research intentions because any suspicions by members of the observed group could lead them to display bias in an attempt to make the evaluation go a certain way.

Observation of retail shoppers by a researcher who is interested in determining customer purchase time by type of goods purchased The…. References Biggemann, S. Modeling the Structure of Business to Business Relationships. In Woodside, A. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Company. Burgess, R. Some Role Problems in Field Research. In Burgess, R. New York: Routledge. Interview Sessions What types of behavior did you notice? In hindsight -- by focusing on what you did -- what types of behaviors might you have failed to notice? The noticeable trait observed during the course of a formal interaction was that all students and teachers are engaged in teaching and learning. The young ELLs were both attentive as well as inquisitive in the classroom setting where the assistant teacher had the role of providing each student with a personal attention.

Simultaneously, the head instructor worked hand-in-hand with others who experienced different challenges with understanding some concepts. Why do you think certain aspects of the setting stood out for you? All through my observation, several aspects stood out impressively. Some of the aspects that got me enthralled; understood how young leaders could be able to work in harmony with one another and by so doing become responsible for their learning…. References Bogdan, R. Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theories and methods 5th ed. Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research 4th ed.

Pearson Educational. Montoya, D. How to Avoid Researcher Bias While Doing a Research Paper. TESOL: Fieldwork Experience The student observed for the Student Oral Language Observation Matrix SOLOM was a native Spanish-speaking year-old female who was a high school sophomore. Based on what was learned about the student during the SOLOM initial assessment and previous fieldwork experiences, this paper identifies an appropriate instructional strategy for use with this student and reports the results of that strategy.

The instruction strategy selected for this exercise was "building trust with families" as advocated by Pompa n. of the AdLit organization. Just as it is vitally important for clinicians to forge a therapeutic relationship with their clients in order to formulate efficacious treatment interventions, it is likewise vitally important for ELL teachers to reach out to students' families in order to encourage their more active involvement in the education of their children. Indeed, the…. References Pompa, M. Building trust with families. Silverman, F. Hitting the books-together: Through a family literacy program, Hispanic parents and their young children are learning to be partners in educational success.

District Administration, 40 7 , Vera, E. S , Fall. Exploring the educational involvement of parents of English learners. School Community Journal, 22 2 , This possibility has had a profound impact on the needs that I think the community -- especially these school children -- possesses. I think that what this particular segment of the community needs is more accurately described as a mentor. In addition to extra assistance with academic instruction and learning, the children I observed during my time as their tutor really need a regular influence in their life to help them build confidence and self-esteem along with helping them improve their skills.

Becoming dejected about their perceived shortcomings will only make their problems worse, and the more discouraged they become about their reading the less likely they will be to progress even with the help of a tutor. Someone who…. References Baxter, P. Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13 4 : CA: SAGE. Merriam, S. Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis. CA: Jossey-Bass. Educational Studies The purpose of the study guide is to help you outline the readings for the unit and to give you a place to note the key points of each section.

You should write a brief paragraph sentences under each sub-heading for the paper see the "write summary here" area. When you complete the study guide, submit it through the unit's study guide Dropbox. Remember to write in complete sentences and use your own words. Plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in a zero grade and be reported to the Provost's Plagiarism Database. Each study guide is worth 10 points. Chapter 5 Emergent Literacy Strategies Print-Rich Classroom Environments Designing a Print-Rich Classroom Environment The Classroom Library Center The Writing Center Literacy-Enriched Play Centers Environmental and Functional Print….

This paper will…. The preschool period is generally considered to be three to five years of age 4. I observed a five-year-old female playing at a playground. The tasks witnessed were running, playing on a slide, ascending stairs, and climbing on a jungle gym a circular interlocked metal object with a ladder. Play was performed in the presence of her mother and older brother. The preschooler is a very social individual who is making friends and exploring the world 4. This child had a tendency to mimic the actions of her older, seven-year-old brother. He made a point of showing his sister when he walked up the slide rather than sliding down it. Repition is a coping behavior and helps children learn 2. She was so amused by her brother that she started to copy the action and, when mastered, called to her mother to watch her perform this amazing feat.

The child…. NIn spite of touch being very significant as a communication means, very little is known on why and when touch takes place and what can be deduced when it takes place in opposite-gender or same-gender interactions. Studies focusing on this topic concerning gender and touch have had a focus on touch occurrences that are observed, those that are reported, the beliefs people hold on touch meanings, the perceptions of observers on the interactions taking place and the empirical assessments made on the responses registered for those acts of touch. elevant methods and questions are few and the literature is also small given the vastness of touch variety.

But the relevant literature is actually bigger than the amount that researchers in the field seem to be aware of.

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