Friday, March 4, 2022

Water shortage essay

Water shortage essay

California has been a prolonged drought that is set to continue, water shortage essay. Water crisis is a global issue and needs urgent attention. International tensions : There is an eminent danger worldwide due to water shortages. The declaration of universal human right accords the right to clean water as universal human rights. Food and Agriculture Organization. Increased wildfires have caused water shortage essay destruction to forests, plants, and animals, worsening the condition.

Water crisis

The water scarcity is the Global problem, water shortage essay. There is strong need for water conservation, water shortage essay, as the problem of water crisis and needed solutions, have increased multi- fold in our present world. Water scarcity means shortage of water. Water is something without which we cannot survive. Unfortunately, water scarcity is a huge issue in variety of areas of this world. Water scarcity occurs due to two conditions; physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity. Physical water scarcity means that the natural water resources are not sufficient to meet the demand of country, water shortage essay. Economic water water shortage essay means poor management to satisfy water demand in areas.

Related Water shortage essay Essay on Say No to Plastic Use! There are so many reasons which are leading this country towards water scarcity. These things are:. Population is increasing day by day. Resources are not enough for such a large population. Moreover, people do not care about these resources, water shortage essay. Our lands are barren due to water scarcity. There is low rate of crops yielding and death of livestock. This is also leading to shortage of food. This is affecting economy of our country.

When there is no access to water then it portrays a bad image of the country. People who are fortunate enough to get safe and non-toxic water at home do not realize the importance of water. There are many people living in villages and desserts who are not fortunate like these people. These people who do not have access to clean water and water shortage essay if they do, the water is so impure. In the areas, where clean water is not available, people suffer from many infectious diseases. This also affects the productivity of workers water shortage essay causing water-borne water shortage essay. These poor people travel to miles just to get clean water. When there is water scarcity, people start to store water before that which increases the risk of water contamination.

The storage of water creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes which leads to many infectious diseases. Because of water scarcity, many animals are getting extinct or dying because of excessive thirst. Plants do not get enough water to grow and reproduce which is a threat to biodiversity. Moreover, because of water scarcity, it is difficult for people to keep their houses clean, take bath or do laundry. The irony is that some people do not even want to change their condition. All they do is sit and complain about how government is not making more dams. Water scarcity is not just limited to one country.

It is a threat to whole world. All living things need water to survive, that is water shortage essay, this problem should concern everyone. When population grows but water resources shrink then a country faces a great number of challenges. Therefore, we should use water carefully to avoid water scarcity. Water is the most important element which supports life on water shortage essay planet. It is a universal solvent which makes it an important resource on this plant, water shortage essay. Unfortunately, the reckless way of using water is leading to shortage of water in different areas, water shortage essay. All of us are aware that life is not possible on this planet without water. This is where we need to understand the importance of saving water.

We depend on water for our survival. It is not just important for human beings but for whole ecosystem. We also use water for many purposes like cultivating, cooking, washing, cleaning, drinking, showering and laundering. It is also used in industries, mining and textiles. Moreover, water shortage essay, it is also used to generate electricity. It also plays an important role in the field of agriculture. Without agriculture, we would have nothing to eat. When there is proper source of water then crops grow so wealthy. We can understand the importance of water by this that a person can live without food for some days but he cannot even survive for two days without water. It refreshes our body by providing all the essential nutrients to our cells.

It removes all harmful toxins from our body. Every day we are getting closer to a dry end but people are still not realizing the importance of water. There are so many areas in our country where water facility is not available. People living there do not have clean water to drink. They drink dirty water due to which they get sick. They travel a distance of miles just to get water. Now a days, with the increase of population, water usage is also increasing. People are still not aware about how important it is to conserve water. They have a habit of opening taps for so long while brushing or washing face. This results in too much loss of water. This is such a bad habit which should be avoided. Because of all these reasons it is very important to save water for our future generation.

We do not have to make huge and unsettling efforts to conserve water. We just need to make some small changes in our daily life activities. There are so many steps which we can follow to save water:. There are a lot of people on this planet who search daily just for a drop of water. They even travel to distant locations just to get some water for their families. We should learn the importance of water from them and water shortage essay that how important it is to conserve water. We should conserve water as much as we can to leave these resources for our future generation too. Your email address will not be published.

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The availability of clean water still eludes many communities in Africa in particular and the world in general. The effect of water crisis includes: agricultural crisis, international tensions, boarder conflicts, health status, deaths from water related diseases, food insecurity to mention a few. The facts about the effects of water crisis require immediate transformation. The solution lies in the unity of the world. World leaders must come together to solve the problem. Taxes must be realized from import duties to facilitate water projects worldwide.

Developed nations must assist poorer nations to build water channels or create dams. The world population is affected by different factors. For example, religion can move people like ideology. Water is another agent that moves people and affect the lives of millions of people Thomas, Water crisis is a global issue and needs urgent attention. Water has many uses; it includes drinking, for industries, for transportation, for energy, for recreation, for protection to mention a few. Lack of water can move people from one location to another, the abundance of water can also change the location of its inhabitants.

The declaration of universal human right accords the right to clean water as universal human rights. Water crisis is severe in Africa. The death toll rises each year from water related diseases. Drought causes problems for African people. It is estimated that the quantity of water used by an American in a single bath is three times more than the quantity of water used by three people in Africa Food and Agriculture Organization, Countries must unite to tackle water shortages and save our generation. Developed nations should help poor countries to build dams and reservoirs.

The world water council must create awareness of the issue. World leaders must enact laws to guarantee clean water to its citizens. There should be increased funding for water projects worldwide. Advanced technologies must be acquired and shared among poorer countries to improve the situation. Government must decentralize water management. Agriculture : Water crisis cause agricultural crisis. Food security is threatened because of water shortage. Irrigation farming is affected by water drought. The prices of food increases annually and the availability of materials for farming are difficult. Environmental crisis : Water shortage affects rivers and dam.

International tensions : There is an eminent danger worldwide due to water shortages. Tension may arise due to growing need for water. Many governments are building secret reservoirs to save water and create artificial dams this may result in conflicts between countries that hare the river basins. Human Health : The rise in water shortage increases the health problems across Africa. It is estimated that 1 million children die annually in Africa due to water related diseases. The universal declaration of portable clean water has not resulted in any meaningful improvement. People suffer water shortage and when one gets water the chances of clean water is slim.

Waterborne disease increases each day. More emphasis should be on water shortage and human health. World leaders must come together to contribute their quota to solve water shortage. Poorer countries should be supported to build water channels through different water basins. The unity of the world is the best solution to water shortages; it is a sure path to progress. The world water council should monitor the progress of water projects in poorer countries and facilitate in funding those projects. Taxes should be imposed on every import goods worldwide to release funds for the support of water projects. Related Essay: Essay on Say No to Plastic Use! There are so many reasons which are leading this country towards water scarcity.

These things are:. Population is increasing day by day. Resources are not enough for such a large population. Moreover, people do not care about these resources. Our lands are barren due to water scarcity. There is low rate of crops yielding and death of livestock. This is also leading to shortage of food. This is affecting economy of our country. When there is no access to water then it portrays a bad image of the country. People who are fortunate enough to get safe and non-toxic water at home do not realize the importance of water. There are many people living in villages and desserts who are not fortunate like these people.

These people who do not have access to clean water and even if they do, the water is so impure. In the areas, where clean water is not available, people suffer from many infectious diseases. This also affects the productivity of workers by causing water-borne diseases. These poor people travel to miles just to get clean water. When there is water scarcity, people start to store water before that which increases the risk of water contamination. The storage of water creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes which leads to many infectious diseases. Because of water scarcity, many animals are getting extinct or dying because of excessive thirst.

Plants do not get enough water to grow and reproduce which is a threat to biodiversity. Moreover, because of water scarcity, it is difficult for people to keep their houses clean, take bath or do laundry. The irony is that some people do not even want to change their condition. All they do is sit and complain about how government is not making more dams. Water scarcity is not just limited to one country. It is a threat to whole world. All living things need water to survive, that is why, this problem should concern everyone. When population grows but water resources shrink then a country faces a great number of challenges.

Therefore, we should use water carefully to avoid water scarcity. Water is the most important element which supports life on this planet. It is a universal solvent which makes it an important resource on this plant. Unfortunately, the reckless way of using water is leading to shortage of water in different areas. All of us are aware that life is not possible on this planet without water. This is where we need to understand the importance of saving water. We depend on water for our survival. It is not just important for human beings but for whole ecosystem. We also use water for many purposes like cultivating, cooking, washing, cleaning, drinking, showering and laundering. It is also used in industries, mining and textiles.

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