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Essay on law enforcement

Essay on law enforcement

This paper seeks to point out the correct action to be taken against an officer who acts untruthfully in the case provided. To discriminate and arrest. The usage of internet has increased over the past years. References Driver, J. Unfortunately, the lack of confidence in the LAPD has meant that local residents are less than enthusiastic and… Reference Report of the Rampart Independent Review Panel More recently, departments essay on law enforcement taken an active role in recruiting, essay on law enforcement, and the overall education level of the force is on the rise. Changing policing theories for 21st-century societies.

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We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essays on Law Enforcement. Essay examples. Requirements for Good Law Enforcement Field Notes words 2 Pages. Field notes are very important for the law enforcement. This is because they serve as the basis for further investigation. With the information recorded in the field notes, a police officer can use it as a lead on the investigation. Good field notes help the Criminal Investigation Law Enforcement. Social media has transformed the way social interactions occur in society. Law enforcement has had to face the challenging task of navigating crime on the internet. One of the most prevalent issues on social media is cyberbullying.

However, essay on law enforcement, social media has also served as a Law Enforcement Social Media. To discriminate and arrest. Law enforcement officials in the United States are sworn to serve and protect, yet in recent light, we have witnessed discrimination and unjust arrests, essay on law enforcement. If we Law Enforcement Police Reform. George Kelling and James Q. Wilson analyzed and tested their hypothesis of crime one certain areas, which lead them to develop the Essay on law enforcement Windows Theory. The Broken Windows set Broken Windows Theory Law Enforcement. Before answering the question of why diversity is important, one must understand what it is. Cultural Diversity Law Enforcement, essay on law enforcement.

This paper takes an in-depth look into three articles that demonstrate that law enforcement of today can be heavily compared to law enforcement of the Seventies. Certain events that occurred then are similar to current events. There is a major distrust between police and society Law Enforcement Police. Police brutality is one of the biggest problems in the United States. People are being shot and killed by police officers. The confrontations the police officers essay on law enforcement in to can sometimes get violent. These confrontations can lead to Law Enforcement Police Police Brutality. This assignment will discuss various reasons why law enforcement agencies fail to report hate crimes in their jurisdiction.

Also being discussed within this assignment is why victims of hate crimes, essay on law enforcement, such as assaults do not report their victimization to law enforcement. One of the many Hate Crime Law Enforcement. Police brutality is a huge thing that needs to be addressed. There are a lot of issues that need to Law Enforcement Police Brutality. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Charles Manson Essays Victim Essays Al Capone Essays Marijuana Legalization Essays Ownership Essays First Amendment Essays Justice Essays Juvenile Delinquency Essays Constitution Essays Business Law Essays.

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Social media has transformed the way social interactions occur in society. Law enforcement has had to face the challenging task of navigating crime on the internet. One of the most prevalent issues on social media is cyberbullying. However, social media has also served as a Law Enforcement Social Media. To discriminate and arrest. Law enforcement officials in the United States are sworn to serve and protect, yet in recent light, we have witnessed discrimination and unjust arrests. If we Law Enforcement Police Reform. George Kelling and James Q. Wilson analyzed and tested their hypothesis of crime one certain areas, which lead them to develop the Broken Windows Theory.

The Broken Windows set Broken Windows Theory Law Enforcement. Before answering the question of why diversity is important, one must understand what it is. Cultural Diversity Law Enforcement. This paper takes an in-depth look into three articles that demonstrate that law enforcement of today can be heavily compared to law enforcement of the Seventies. However, the make up of the police force is evolving to better reflect the diversity of the communities it…. Police Officers Part I: Entering Police Work and Part II: On the Job. Both of these cases indicate that police deviance continues to exist, partly because the stakes are so high, and the rewards are so great for officers who successfully steal or become corrupt in the system. Most of the corruption stems from money and greed, and when it is present every day in the officers' lives, it is difficult for at least some to resist temptation.

It also seems that officers are paid relatively little in the terms of the risks they take, and seeing so many opportunities for corruption around them may tempt some of them to engage in illegal and deviant activities simply because the opportunities are so great, and risk of being caught much smaller than if they were not on the force. There seem to be several different methods of controlling this deviance. First and foremost, supervisors and administration need to keep closer watch on officers, especially….

References Editors. Report of the Rampart independent review panel. Retrieved 2 Nov. Muir, J. Police admit planting evidence. Murphy, S. Boston police corruption case detailed. This is known among police as "professional courtesy," and violating it has been known to result in the cited officer's commander's contacting the issuing officer's commander with an informal complaint, expected to be addressed by an informal lecture on the topic of professional courtesy. Occasionally, a "ticket war" will erupt between neighboring police departments, sparked, initially, by the issuance of summonses by officers from one department to off-duty officers from another that phone calls between their respective commanders fails to resolve. Certain neighboring departments have a long-standing animosity between them, and more generally, state troopers and highway patrol agencies sometimes ignore any notion of professional courtesy toward local police agencies.

Where professional courtesy is observed, it extends even to DUI enforcement, provided no injuries, major property damage, or civilians are involved either as victims or witnesses. An officer who pulls over an intoxicated driver with police ID is much more…. Law Enforcement Patrolling Kansas City Gun Experiment and the Kerner Commission Report The Kansas City Gun Experiment of and illustrates a police strategy that was responsive to the fact that a particular area was responsible for a very high rate of firearm related homicides University of Maryland; University of Texas, The intensification of police patrols represents a hybridization of the traditional "law enforcement" and "crime fighting" police functions.

The most differential aspect of the patrols is that they were mobilized as a preventative measure to a specific type of crime University of Maryland; University of Texas, Officers engaged in…. Works Cited City of Oakland. Oakland's ? Block Community Initiative to Reduce Violence. pdf University of Maryland; University of Texas. Kansas City Gun Experiment -- Kansas City, MO. Retrieved September 28, , from U. html United States Kerner Commission. Excerpts from the Kerner Report. History Of The New Orleans Police Department.

Many times, police officers are attacked or the prisoners themselves are injured during this booking process. The deaths and injuries, specifically of prisoners belonging to ethnic minorities, have triggered conflicts between the police and the community in recent years. Studies showed that the separation of the arresting officer and the suspect appeared to lessen the rate of reoccurrence. The studies recommended an evaluation of procedures and reinforcement Community Relations Service. The police also get into trouble with the way they deal with the mentally impaired Community Relations Service They need to become more familiar with current-day approaches in the field of mental illness.

One way this need can be met is to obtain training from area health professionals on what to do when encountering mental illness cases while fulfilling their police functions. The channels of communication should remain open, upgraded and active among the police, the mental health professional…. Racial Profiling: Should Police Practice Racial Profiling? American Encyclopedia, Vol 8. Net Industries, html Community Relations Service. Principles of Good Policing: Avoiding Violence between. Case Study Analyses Unit 5 sought to examine the extent to which the unsuitable conduct of law enforcement officers has impacted the reputation of not only the profession of policing but also that of corrections.

One of the things that engaged me most about the material was the fact that there have been numerous instances of sheer incompetence and gross negligence on the part of those entrusted with the mandate of maintaining law and order. The murder of James Mongeon is one such instance. What appears even more surprising is that if such negligence and incompetence…. Executive Summary Amidst scarce resources and unlimited needs, it is imperative for law enforcement and criminal justice organizations to allocate resources efficiently. If not well thought out, the proposed budget cuts may hinder the organization from realizing its goals and objectives. It is imperative for the state government to be properly aware of the forces that influence the law enforcement market. Cutting the budget at a time when there is increased demand for law enforcement services is not a sensible thing to do.

Crime levels in the city have increased significantly in the last few years. This has meant deployment of more police officers, addition of equipment and facilities e. police cars , and even more rigorous…. References Doss, D. The business of criminal justice: A guide for theory and practice. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Mitchell, M. Police leadership and management. Annandale, NSW: The Federation Press. Currently there are no federal laws governing employment contract of law enforcement, and in fact, law enforcement has yet to be professionalized or federalized in any way. This situation may change in the future as the quality of law enforcement in the United States is being increasingly called into question due to incidents like the one described in the sample scenario in which an officer has been repeatedly accused of unnecessary force and brutality.

I will be constrained mainly by the general Department of Labor fair labor standards, as well as any employment law considerations that appeal to specialized personnel. If the members of my department are members of a police union, then there could be some serious repercussions I would need to consider. For example, Friedersdorf points out that faulty arbitration procedures sometimes hinder a…. References Chen, S. html Shepard, A. A person of interest. html Vogel, J. Initiated and administered by a group of law enforcement agencies, public representatives, along with community groups, the program aims to enhance public safety and reduce crime by offering job training, housing, mental health treatment, and healthcare to low-level prostitutes and drug offenders LEAD, Reference LEAD.

LEAD - Home. Ethical Decision Making in Law Enforcement The life of a law enforcement agent is surrounded by many duties. Duties which they are often trained to carry out over several months. Unfortunately, the curriculum designed to train law enforcement agents does not capture the challenges of ethical dilemmas and how to deal with them. This put the officers in a precarious position leading to inability to cope up with a challenging career. According to the objectives of the article, it talks about the best possible ways to get out of an ethical dilemma. First, getting out of an ethical dilemma situation is to initially recognize that it exists and appreciating that such situations demand critical decision making.

Thereafter, the officer needs to select his alternative to action. The choice is made based on the most appropriate way to handle the ethical situation at hand. This can be best achieved by making…. Developing Ethical Leaders in Law Enforcement At any point in time but especially during periods of social and political unrest, American citizens look to law enforcement authorities to provide them with the informed guidance and support they need to navigate their ways through these challenging times successfully. It is therefore incumbent upon law enforcement agencies at every level to create an organizational culture that places a high priority of ethical policing practices and to develop ethical leaders that can model the way for their subordinates.

To this end, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to explicate the importance of ethical leadership and to identify strategies for developing ethical leaders in law enforcement today. Review and Discussion Importance of Ethical Leadership in Law Enforcement One of…. Preventing Bias-Based Profiling Law enforcement officers can sometimes reflect personal and cultural bias in the exercising of their duties as a law enforcement agent. In order to mitigate the influence of bias in policing, law enforcement agencies have to be conscious and mindful of strategies that can be used to prevent bias-based profiling. This paper will propose two strategies for dealing with the law enforcement subculture, as it relates to bias-based profiling.

One strategy will be from an ethical perspective and the other will be in terms of preventing bias-base discriminations from creating adverse social conditions that impede the peaceful functioning of social systems and society as a whole. From a utilitarian ethics standpoint, society should pursue…. References Driver, J. History of utilitarian ethics. Racial aspects of police shootings: Reducing both bias and counter bias. There are three eras of policing history recognized in the US with the first termed the Political Era, which occurred between and Edwards, During this period, the role of the police was to offer a range of social services to the community.

The police force was organized in a decentralized structure, and there was a close relationship between the police and the community. Moreover, they conducted patrols on foot and bicycles. With the strategy, police officers established and built close relationships with business owners and citizens who lived, worked and played in the neighborhood. Overall, officers were effective in serving the local community and meeting the needs of the political leaders. This was followed…. References Barak, G. Class, race, gender, and crime: The social realities of justice in America. Edwards, C. Changing policing theories for 21st-century societies. Annandale, N. W: Federation Press. Miller, L. Community Policing: Partnerships for problem-solving. Australia: Delmar Cengage Learning.

Palmiotto, M. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning. This Blue Wall is symbolic of the loyalty between law enforcement officials in any given police force. Furthermore, law enforcement culture defends and promotes this code, along with police brutality. All cities and states have police departments in place for maintaining public peace and enforcing city and state laws. Within democratic republics, law enforcement officials are required to…. References Grisham, C. Police code of silence facts revealed. Workman-Stark, A. Inclusive policing from the inside out. The future of law enforcement Introduction The contemporary world has seen evolution of virtually every sector of the society, from communication to trade, from food production to medical care procedures and from foreign wars to the inland security.

This same revolution needs to be fully implemented in the law enforcement which looks forward to being effective in the highly globalised society. Problem statement The USA law enforcement officers face challenges in handling and effectively resolving the contemporary crimes and the ever changing faces of criminal tendencies. The main problem that perpetuates this status quo is the stagnation in the approach to combating crimes, despite the fact…. References Chassan A. Collective Efficacy: The Key to Community Change? Institutional theory of police: a review of the state of the art. pdf Griffith D. aspx Fortenbery, J. Law enforcement organizations: Possibilities and challenges for the future. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Community Policing and Community Security: Theory and Practice in Timor-Leste.

pdf Reynolds B. How to change culture in your police department. FBI Lagging Behind on Cyber Crime. htm US Department of Justice Community Policing Defined. Arizona Revised Statutes A. An arrest is made by an actual restraint of the person to be arrested, or by his submission to the custody of the person making the arrest. All arrests involve restraint, which needs to be under pretended or actual legal authority. But it is not necessary for formal words suggesting arrest or for a booking at a police station for the act to be considered an arrest. An objective test helps ascertain whether or not an arrest has occurred in a given case, resting on whether reasonable individuals under such a circumstance would….

References Marroquin, B. Introduction An effective police officer must be truthful. Increasingly, there is frustration informed by lack of integrity and support for the actions of discipline that are taken by the senior officers against those who breach the rules. Integrity and ethics must be at the center of an internal investigation. In case an officer is not truthful regarding their actions, positive reinforcement should be employed. Still, it must be made clear from the onset that untruthfulness is sufficient ground for termination of duty. If a law enforcement officer behaves or acts untruthfully, it damages the effectiveness of their work of policing. This paper seeks to point out the correct action to be taken against an officer who acts untruthfully in the case provided.

References Abel, J. Ekman, P. A few can catch a liar. Psychological science, 10 3 , Police Officer Truthfulness and the Brady Decision. The Police Chief, Vol. Reimund, M. A Need for Expansion and Uniformity. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. Legal cases Brady v. Maryland, U. What Contributes to Unethical Conduct? In the past, public inquiries have been established with an intention of investigating and unearthing unethical conduct amongst law enforcement officers. In the end, individual officers end up being put on trial and the reputation of the profession as a whole suffers immensely. The readings and the unit discussion have been a very important learning opportunity with regard to what exactly triggers unethical behavior in an organizational setting, and most specifically in police departments.

I was particularly intrigued by the fact that unethical conduct is in most instances triggered by strong emotions that have been left unchecked. This is more so the case given that the very nature of police work could invite feelings of victimization, isolation, as well as exploitation. For instance, when a law enforcement officer views himself as a victim of the system, he or she feels entitled to better treatment and…. Despite the fact that there has been visible progress in the classification and documentation of different interrogation techniques, there is very little information about the manner in which police officers are trained and equipped with interrogation techniques and how often they apply various techniques Cleary, H.

Little is also known about how the police officers employ the techniques with juveniles and with adults. This research examines the modern interviewing and interrogation principles and purposes for police officers. The report will examine both informal and formal interrogation techniques as well as other techniques used by the police for interrogation in the modern day and age. The interrogation and interviewing techniques used by the police communicate some psychological intensity spectrum where various information gathering skills were employed. The tactics may involve high pressure tactics used less frequently and the frequently used tactics. Officers with Reid training are…. References Buckley, J. The Reid Technique of interviewing and interrogation.

In Investigative Interviewing: Rights, Research and Regulation pp. Taylor and Francis. Police Training in Interviewing and Interrogation Methods: A Comparison of Techniques Used with Adult and Juvenile Suspects. Law and Human Behavior, 40 3 , — Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques. Elsevier Ltd. Suspect interviews and false confessions. Current Directions in Psychological Science. Criminal Interview and Interrogation in Serious Crime Investigations. Meissner, C. Interview and interrogation methods and their effects on true and false confessions. Campbell Systematic Reviews. Interrogation Techniques, OLR Research Report. htm Reid J.

The Reid Technique. Security threats have become more sophisticated and common in contemporary society because of globalization and rapid technological advancements. As criminals continue to develop sophisticated means for carrying out their activities, local and international law enforcement agencies are constantly seeking for measures to prevent and thwart criminal activities. One of the measures that play a critical role in achieving this is intelligence. National security intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies has enhanced their collaboration to help deal with domestic and international security threats. Even though intelligence plays a critical role in modern security, its place in a free society continues to be a controversial issue that evokes a series of passions and responses.

This paper examines the role of intelligence in the modern world as a critical component of geostrategic developments. What is Intelligence? Intelligence is a term that is used to refer to the collection and evaluation of internal and…. References Carter, D. L Law Enforcement Intelligence: A Guide for State, Local and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies, U. Department of Justice, viewed 18 January , Carter, D. Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis and Crime Analysis: Understanding their Differences and Cooperative Value, Michigan State University, viewed 18 January , Coyne, J. Strategic Intelligence in Law Enforcement: a Review, Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, vol. Derencivonic, D. Cooperation of Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies in Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism, CAIRN, viewed 18 January , Federation of American Scientists n.

Law Enforcement Intelligence Classifications, Products, and Dissemination, Federation of American Scientists, viewed 18 January , Friedman, D TECH Cops: How Technological Advances are Changing Police Work, Greenwich Time, viewed 18 January , Lemieux, F Intelligence and state surveillance in modern societies: An international perspective. Emerald Publishing Limited: Bradford, United Kingdom. McCahill, M Rounding Up the Usual Suspects? Developments in Contemporary Law Enforcement Intelligence, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, vol. Effect of Multiculturalism Education on the Police Force Cultural issues affect law enforcement more than most government workers.

Every day, the police come into contact with several people from practically every culture in the areas they police. This reality creates a need for policemen and women to understand the dynamics of multiculturalism. Indeed, the success of community policing depends significantly on how law enforcement relates to people of different cultures Hendricks and Byers, An interesting dynamic when it comes to community policing is that the power law enforcement has can make them an oppressor or a friend of the community based solely on the optics of their operations. This makes multicultural education quite important to the police Hennessy, n. When designing a multicultural curriculum for a police department, it should be specifically tailored to the community being impacted and the police department in question.

Carl Jung theorized on…. References Hendricks, J. Multicultural perspectives in criminal justice and cultural awareness training for police in the United States criminology 2nd ed. Springfield, Illinois: Charles Thomas publisher, ltd. Hennessy, S. Thinking cop- feeling cop: A study in police personalities 3rd ed. Gainesville, Florida, Center for the Application of Psychological Type. Cultural awareness training for police in the United States: A look at effective methodologies. pdf Jung, C. Psychological types. Hull Translation. Rascher Verlag. Original work published in Wilkins, D. Are we using the wrong teaching method in our criminal justice classes? Introduction Advancement in technology coupled with widespread use of internet has facilitated exchange of information, ideas, and culture across nations.

As a result of this, nations have expanded and developed effective communication and networking channels that enable people from to share and exchange information easily, thus promoting sustainable economic development and political stability in the region. Documented reports affirm that there are more than 5 billion mobile connections, and about 3 billion internet users, in the whole world KPMG Continue reading For many people the media has long been one of the main sources of information about life of the state and its laws. On the basis of their messages, citizens compose the vision about the level of crime, its nature and prevalence in society, the struggle of the state, its institutions for fight against crime.

Today, the media plays a crucial role in society. It provides the necessary information, serves as a tool of reflecting views of members of the public. In addition, it is an indicator of the level of freedom in exchange of opinions, evaluations in phenomena Continue reading Let academics write a perfect Law Enforcement just for you! This happened at a time when the United States was still considered as the only remaining superpower in the planet after the fall of the Soviet Union more than a decade ago. Of all the places in the planet, a lot of people including people working in the national security and law enforcement agencies that America, at that time, was one of the most secure, if Continue reading Introduction In July , Eric Garner had a confrontation with the police enforcers, suspected him of selling loose and illegal cigarettes.

Apparently, Garner had a total loss of the air supply and blood circulation and died due to chokehold made by the police officer. In the Justice department, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has expanded the rules of racial profiling. Introduction Law enforcement in the United States is one of the three aspects of the justice department. It operates to investigate potential crimes, preventing criminal activity, apprehend criminals, maintain order, protect the innocent and uphold the law. The law enforcement fraternity is divided into three specific streams.

They are federal, state and local law enforcement. The laws in the United States differ based on the state. However there are laws that govern national policy; these laws are known as federal laws. Federal law enforcement agencies operate to uphold the tenets of federal law.

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