Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Should gay marriage be legalized essay

Should gay marriage be legalized essay

It is a fact that there are states that already legalized gay marriage. If not, we will surely fall prey to ignorance and negligence as we continue limit our understanding on what has been considered as usual and normal activities in the community where we live. As shown, the ban on same-sex couples marrying should gay marriage be legalized essay unacceptable. Only relationships between males and females are natural and right. Eternal Marriage. Furthermore, equality for same-sex couples are reduces the racial discrimination and decrease rates of psychological in society.

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Gay marriage is a conversational topic that have been talked about throughout the media. People across the nation disagree that whether homosexuality should be legalized. You cannot tell people they cannot fall in love I Have a Dream, MLK. Homosexual should be able to decide who they want to be with and marry. On June 26, the Supreme Court ruled the constitution guarantees a right for same- sex marriage Supreme Should gay marriage be legalized essay, Adam Liptak. Until this day same sex marriage is still being debated if it should be legal or not. The proposed Federal Amendment banning same-sex does not protect heterosexual marriages. It is a waste of time because it have no chance of becoming a law Four Reasons to.

How it works, should gay marriage be legalized essay. Why should gay marriage be legalized? Legalization of gay marriage have constantly been shown to provide an economic boost. Allowing gay couples to get married will increase marriage rates. Fewer couples will get divorced when there is more compatibility. Also it will decrease bullying and cyber-bullying Impact of Cyber. It will help other people accept homosexuals and help the homosexuals feel comfortable in society. Accepting gay marriage could improve mental health problems, should gay marriage be legalized essay. Since gay marriage been approved its been less of self-harming and mood disorders. Mental addictions problems also improved since same-sex marriage have been accepted.

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It is usual that when gay marriage is a topic, legal concerns would come into the surface. However, we should realize that religious concerns also affect the choice of legalizing gay marriages Mags 1. While it is true that the three major religions in the world involving Islam, Judaism and Christianity have been opposed to same sex union, it is also acceptable a present time that many religious people no longer follow the traditional beliefs against same sex marriage. It is a surprise that the Jews, as well as some Christian nations support gay marriage Mags 1. In essence, the traditional religious views on same sex union are becoming weaker as more people opened their eyes to the advantages of gay marriage Mags 1.

Therefore, religious views against same sex marriage no longer holds true today for people who think twice about the necessity of gay marriage. According to proponents of same sex marriage, they already debunked the scriptural arguments on marriage such that they believe that it was misunderstood and taken out of context. It is acceptable that gays should be given the right to get married with another gay and at the same time prevent overpopulation as they cannot bear children. With that, twin matters are met, the promotion of equality and the avoidance of overpopulation. The move to promote conceptive measures rendered nugatory and useless the belief that families should multiply here on earth. The Opposition on Gay Marriage However, there are opponents of gay marriage who provided strong arguments regarding the promiscuousness of same sex union.

The primary reason why gay marriage is not acceptable is religious belief. According to Packer, homosexual activity is a serious sin before the eyes of God Packer There is only a man and woman created by God, thus having a gender called gay and lesbian is not acceptable by religious standards. Marriage is designed for procreation which involves having children in the family. How can gay couple have their own children? The answer may be adoption, but the Biblical instruction is to be fruitful and multiply. It is becoming obvious that churches are more involve of issues that come before the legislature and the electorate.

The logic behind that is the protection of morality of which Churches believe to be important in religious responsibility. Morality is an issue that has been bombarded by many people since it can destroy their freedom to express feelings and emotions. In relation to gay marriage, it is immoral to marry a person that belongs to the same sex. In connection, there are issues in the legislature that calls for identification of whether such issue is under ethical standards or morality or on civil rights. Unfortunately, people view same sex marriage as a civil rights issue which churches want to correct, for it was never a civil rights issue but on morality of men.

Therefore, it is not right to condemn the right of religious people to tackle issues and defend their side for doctrines and principles they preach and practice. Those forces that undermine the moral fiber of the society are being fought against by religious people. These forces include the presence of gays and lesbians alike in the society. But since these people are also humans, churches invited them to repent of their wrong behavior and encourage them to change. Gay marriage undermines the social fiber of the society and if it is continued as an advocacy, numerous people would be attracted to its enticing words. What will happen to the youth which is the hope of our country? Their character and morality would bend in favor of immoral acts and standards because we failed to prepare them and mold their character to become better persons.

There are also many religious people who supported different groups that opposed issues related to morality and redefinition of marriage. Gay marriage is one issue wherein many religious people rally behind powerful interest groups just to prevent any gay marriage legalization. This means that many people are also becoming more concerned of the future and make sure that the strength of morality is being assured whatever the situation may be. Religious organizations like Christians, Muslims and the Buddhists play a big role in keeping the sanctity of marriage intact in these days that temptations loom in every corner. Therefore, gay marriage can destroy the sanctity of marriage and must be eliminated in the society.

Again, same sex marriage is not a civil right at all. It is a matter of morality as opposed to negligence of protecting the moral fiber of society. The people should not question the constitutional rights of churches to raise issues and concerns that matters most to their patrons. Remember that it is also the right of religious people to voice out their opinions. It is then the belief of religious organizations and its members who are against gay marriage that defending the sanctity of marriage through working to preserve traditional marriage lies clearly within religious and constitutional prerogatives. Hence, we cannot blame churches why its members tried hard to oppose gay marriage that might destroy the faith that they gave to God.

It is not true that churches condemn the presence of gays and lesbians Zoll 1. Religious people are simply compelled to speak out due to the principles and doctrines that they believed. Aside from that, the move of religious people to oppose same sex marriage should not be interpreted as justification for hatred, intolerance, or abuse of those who believe in homosexuality, either as a group or individually Packer What religious people do not like is gay marriage and not the presence of homosexuals. Hence, these religious individuals do not condemn those who are lesbians and gays but only oppose the activities that might destroy the sacredness of marriage. The most active religious group that is against same sex marriage is the Catholic Church.

The said church considers homosexuality as a sin and a disorder before the sight of God Zoll 1. The Catholic Church has its own share of issues involving presence of gays in the church, but its efforts in correcting the same is evident on its move to change the status quo. It is also argued that the only legitimate employment of the powers of procreation is between husband and wife who have been legally and lawfully married to each other Packer Gay marriage carries with it issues that also offend the doctrines and beliefs of churches like the sacredness of marriage between husband and wife.

The power to bear and have children is given only to husband and wife and it is impossible for gay couples to do so. Therefore, gay marriage is not acceptable before the eyes of God no matter what the gay marriage advocates say. While it is true that no religious organization be compelled to celebrate same sex marriage whenever a state legalizes the same, it is also correct to say that when this happens there would be an eventual destruction of the moral standards that a few people already have Park 1. It is a fact that there are states that already legalized gay marriage.

In states where gay marriage is not legalized, gay couples transfer to states where gay marriage is legalized, leaving their families behind, their jobs, their responsibilities and their dreams. The right to adopt is only given to married husband and wife who can prove that they can rear the adopted child. If gay couple cannot adopt because legal infirmities exists, then it could cause so much pain and frustration on their part. That situation can be prevented if teaching them moral standards would be prioritized. There are also many gays in the United States who are focused on fighting for their rights and they become activists for that matter. It could be better that they stay in their homes to practice good moral standards and work in their offices to achieve economic development instead of fighting for gay marriage that is not right from the beginning.

On the other hand, gay marriage also deprives a child to have a mother and a father. It is the basic need of a child to be loved and cared by parents who are called father and mother. Gay couples cannot replace the love and care that can be given by husband and wife Sorensen 1. Young children who are born in the midst of these controversies that may affect them are so pitiful. This is because when voting for the legalization of gay marriage, they do not have the chance to voice out their sides since their age cannot permit them to do so. Therefore, gay marriage is not pro-children and it will just deny them to grow a better individuals.

Finally, the legalization of same sex union is a threat to religious liberty in the United States Paulson 1. In fact, there are many local churchgoers who opposed the legalization of same sex union specifically gay marriage. There is undying move to preserve traditional marriage in the country. It is the argument of churchgoers that children must be raised in a home that there is a father and a mother. ConclusionGay marriage is an issue that knocks on the doors of those who are concerned of the welfare of the country. We may be divided in its position; our voices must wield for the best results and not based on bias and influence.

We should participate in voting for or against gay marriage so that majority decision can be taken. Others claim that the issue on gay marriage is a civil rights issue, while religious groups claim that it is a morality issue. With that, there are three major arguments to support gay marriage and these are respect on individual rights, non-interference of the church in governance and respect on the ability of gays to raise a family. On the opposition side, the basic argument is that gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage between husband and wife.

The major concern is whether or not redefinition of traditional marriage is proper. Whatever may be the answers of this question, the primary consideration must be the welfare of the majority in order to achieve peace and harmony. Finally, gay marriage is an issue that may affect us all. It is our responsibility to decide on the necessity of gay marriage in order to take part in having a progressive country. Both sides of the gay marriage issue deserve respect and freedom to hear argument. Yet, it is necessary that only the best judgment should be made in order to protect the existence of humanity. Works CitedBelge, Kathy. Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives. Crumley, Bruce. France Overruled on Gay Adoption. The Best of Love, Courtship and Marriage.

Johnson, Ramon. Where Is Gay Adoption Legal? Mags, Jan. Socyberty Website. Religion and Same Sex Marriage. Farlex Encyclopedia. Mathews, Michael. Should Same Sex Marriage Be Legal? In turn, it propagandizes the principle of complete permissiveness where ethical values are not needed Stockland, It means that in the future, humankind may want to legalize and approve much worse actions such as polygamy, incest, and other nontraditional relationships. From the position of the community and taxes, citizens should not be forced to pay for maintaining relationships, which they do not believe in Stockland, Nowadays, one could see that the propagation of homosexuality is present almost at all stages of cultural and political life.

Same-sex affairs have become mainstream that excludes the morals of heterosexual liaisons. The last but not least reason of wrongness of gay marriage is a religious perception of the issue. The greatest religions around the globe do not recognize legitimate and sexual connections between two humans of the same sex. Hence, such matrimony violates the order of the world created by God; it denies the divine purpose of wedlock and develops the sinful way of life among humans Fiorenza, Moreover, same-sex affairs distort the sacred doctrines and statements of the religion. Therefore, according to the discussed arguments, gay marriages should not be legalized in society. To conclude, it is ethically wrong and unnatural when two males or two females are wed. Same-sex marriages are harmful because they pervert the natural order of the world.

Gay families are not able to have their own kids, so they refer to adoption. Furthermore, such a connection harms the social and moral structures of the public that have been established long ago. Additionally, any religion around the globe does not recognize legitimate and sexual affairs between two humans of the same sex. Don't lose time, order now! Choose the best topic, set the deadline and get any of your papers written according to all of your demands with perfect timing. We provide individual approach to each client. Why Gay Marriage Should not be Legal May 14, in Sociology Essay. Calculate Price. Type of assignment. Writer level. Number of pages. Order total: Call now. Start Chat. Order Now.

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