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Essay about my personality

Essay about my personality

Moving on, I will explain ten of my personality traits that my dad wrote down and discuss his feelings about my results from the inventories. I came to the U. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. Get Custom Essay from:. Types of College Essays, essay about my personality.

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For this personality project, I took an in-depth analysis to find out some of my personality traits and my personality type. The three inventories that I decided to use for this project were the DISC Personality, the TypeFinder Research Edition, and The Big Five Personality Test to help me determine my personality traits and type. For essay about my personality inventory that I used, I will provide a summary of my results along with some of my reactions and comments that I had after completing each inventory. Along with each inventory, I will provide some examples of how I have seen some of my personality traits in my behavior.

Moving on, I will explain ten of my personality traits that my dad wrote down and discuss his feelings about my results from the inventories. As I conclude this project, I will explain how the knowledge of my personality traits and type essay about my personality benefit me in the future and discuss some changes that I could make to help me live a more successful life, essay about my personality. The DISC Personality Report measures four factors that reflect some personality factors and ranks them by percentages, essay about my personality. The highest percentage is likely to be the most dominant personality factor, the second highest would be the next most dominant personality factor, the third highest would be the next dominant personality factor, and the fourth highest would be the lowest dominant personality factor.

The four factors that were measured include compliance, steadiness, dominance, and influence. Dominance describes the way I deal with problems, assert myself and control situations, while influence describes the way I deal with people, and the way I communicate and relate to others. I do agree with these results from this inventory. I have an interesting example on how I have seen some of my traits in my behavior. When I was in high school, my college English teacher told me that I should have a job that requires a great attention to detail. By paying attention to details, I think that would reflect my compliance the way I organize things and my steadiness patience and persistence. The TypeFinder Research Edition gave me a personality type of an ISFJ, which means that I am introverted Isensing Sfeeling Fand judging J.

The first set of scores determine if the test taker is introverted or extraverted. Introverts like myself are energized by being quiet, reflective, and calm, while extroverts not like myself are energized by being around other people and by being in busy surroundings. The second set of scores determine if the test taker is sensing or intuitive. Sensors like myselffocus on facts, details, and real-life experiences, while being intuitive not like myself focuses more on ideas, impressions, and interpretations of meaning. The third set of scores determine if the test taker is a thinker or a feeler, essay about my personality.

Thinkers not like myselfmake decisions based on logic and reason, while feelers like myself make decisions based on emotions and personal concerns. The essay about my personality set of scores determine if the test taker is a perceiver or a judger. Perceivers not like myself prefer to be spontaneous and flexible, while judgers like myself prefer to keep things organized and plan in advance. By being an introvert, essay about my personality, I really do not like being the center of attention. When I was around twelve years old, essay about my personality, I asked my parents to not have birthday parties for me because I hated the feeling of people being there only for me.

I would just rather go play a game of pickup hockey for my birthday. I agree with most of the results from this inventory, except for classifying myself as a feeler rather than a thinker. This really surprised me, and I disagree with this because I try to make my decisions based on some logic, and not my emotions. This knowledge of knowing that I am a feeler will benefit me in the future because I can try to think about my decisions rather than going with my emotions. By using a logical decision rather than an emotional decision, it can help me live a more successful life because using logic usually results in better decisions. Order custom essay My Personality Essay with free plagiarism report.

The Big Five Personality Test was my favorite inventory that I completed. The Big Five measures scores based on five dimensions of personalities. The five dimensions include openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, essay about my personality, and neuroticism, essay about my personality. Low scores in openness means that one is more conventional, practical, and more down-to-earth. Also, low scores in openness can mean that one is more comfortable in familiar surroundings and is more hesitant to try new things.

They tend to enjoy more mainstream entertainment such as sports and movies, and not enjoy more cultural activities such as an opera. People who are high in conscientiousness tend to be more organized, reliable, essay about my personality, and persistent when pursuing goals. Also, people high in conscientiousness are more likely to be successful in their careers, are less likely to develop addictions, and are good at resisting impulses. Introverts like myself are more content with simple, quiet lives, and rarely seek attention from others. Also, introverts tend to be more independent and do not need recognition from others in order to feel satisfied. People who are high in agreeableness are usually trusting and forgiving and experience a great deal of empathy towards others.

They also sympathize easy with others and want to get along with others. Some emotions that they can experience are sadness, anxietyand shame. My score indicates that I feel sadness, worry, anger, and guilt about as much as the average person. The test also gave me a core pattern, which describes the essential role I take in approaching the world. The role that I scored highest in was the practical caretaker, which means that I help others maintain stability and security. I agree with the results from this inventory. I have an example on how I seen my personality traits in my behavior. I had an uncle that essay about my personality away when I was ten years old, and it really hit me hard.

I could not relate to any of my peers because they did not have any experience with something like this. But one day in high school, a girl in my grade had her dad pass away unexpectedly. I tried to be there for her to show support because I knew how hard it was to lose a loved one. I feel like this would relate my high degree of agreeableness. I would consider my dad to be one of my best friends, so I asked him to write down ten words that describe me. The ten words he used to describe me are: honest, caring, teachable, sensitive, motivated, ambitious, passionate, essay about my personality, indecisive, perfectionist, and courteous. A few days after he wrote down this list of words that describe me, I showed him the results that I received from the personality inventories.

He said that he agrees with most of the results that I received. I have to be organized, otherwise I do not even know how to start something. He says that my perfectionist personality in the list that wrote down really reflects my conscientiousness because I have to have everything in the perfect order for me to feel content with things. However, he does disagree with one of the results from the inventories. He thinks that I should have a higher score in influence. He says that I serve as a role model for my younger sister. With me having more experience in life, I can relate to some troubles that she has had and can help communicate with her to get through some troubles. All in all, he says that most of the results from the inventories do reflect my personality. In conclusion, this personality project was very interesting to learn some things about myself.

It was very surprising to me to see how close these inventories were to my personality. My dad even mentioned that the results were just about a spitting image of my personality. I disagreed with very few of the results because they were very close to describing my essay about my personality. The knowledge of my personality can benefit me in the future because Essay about my personality can put myself in the right position to succeed in whatever I am doing. Knowing what I am good at and what I am not good at can help me in whatever situation I am in. I know that I can make a few changes in my behavior now that I know my personality type, essay about my personality.

I really would like to change some of my negative attitude, essay about my personality. Usually, I think the worst of something, and I get pretty down on myself. If I change this and have a more positive outlook on something, I think it would lead to a more happier and more successful life. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Essay about my personality how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life.

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