Monday, February 28, 2022

Equus essay

Equus essay

Horses genus is Equus, Equus comes from the ancient Greek word meaning quickness. why is dysart so interested in greek mythology and greek history. None-the-less, both parents are controlling, and their I will start by discussing the play Equus. The first Equus were pony sized, with a classic "horsey" body - rigid spine, long neck, equus essay, long legs, equus essay leg bones with no rotation, long nose, flexible muzzle, deep jaw, equus essay. In uncovering the root causes behind Alan's crime, Dysart must determine whether his deviance stemmed from something innate in who he is, or from the circumstances of his upbringing.

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Infinite factors influence a person's perspective in regard equus essay any issue. Texts are by no means immune to such reinterpretation. An array of meanings can be uncovered in a text as a result of different values. Peter Shaffer's Equus was composed to express the values of the composer, namely, that of the issue of conformity. A responder from different circumstances, though, can readily value other things conveyed in the text, equus essay, dependant on what is important in their lives. A feminist would focus on the importance of women in the text. A Marxist would equus essay analyse the faults of the capitalist society in which this text is set so as to reflect, and further develop, equus essay, their own values.

The text revolves around Dysart, a psychiatrist, equus essay a period of absolute disillusionment with society, and his place in it. This reflection is spurred on by a patient he must treat, Alan. Alan, a youth, is in the care of the psychiatric hospital because of the hideous crime he committed - the blinding of equus essay horses. The text was published ina time of immense social upheaval, and thus, change. Libertarian views were re-emerging as a result of the Vietnam War and the civil rights movements in the US. The composer clearly values views characteristic of this time.

The text questions the morality of society, a practice common within the reactionary movement of the s. The text broadly addresses the issue of conformity. It mainly uses religion as an example of people's rely ness to conform to society. It mocks religion, belittling it with the story of Alan who so easily worships a horse in absence of a biblical figure. The text also questions the concept of "normality". The composer clearly values the need for internal social change in order to, at least, equus essay, attempt to fight the ultimately pointless and furthermore, equus essay life, that people of contemporary society so readily accept.

Evident in this text is Existentialist philosophy. Equus I went to the Jones Theater on campus and watched the performance, Equus a story written by Peter Shaffer. In Alan's eyes his god was Equus, a horse. Towards the end of Equus, you can see very clearly that Alan definitely held resentment against both of his parents. In Equus essay, Alan's father was uncomfortable with the picture of Christ over Alan's bed so to make him feel familiar he replaced it with a horse. In Equus, everybody tried to interfere with Alan and make him aware of his faults, but to Equus essay no faults were visible. The play "Equus," by Peter Shaffer uses a psychiatrist, Dr.

Equus is not the first psychological play Shaffer has penned, but it is one of the most successful. Freud's "Libido Theory" helps explain the sexual aspect of Alan's relationship with Equus. Now, it is Equus who is rejecting him and not allowing him to have what he wants, equus essay. The danger that Alan is in if Dysart allows Equus to stay is worth the loss of passion Equus, a play by Peter Shaffer, is a twisted tale of a boy's affixation with horses as his god and the complications he deals with about sex, equus essay, religion and life.

Although the equus essay is called Equus, the true meaning of the story has nothing to do with it. This Equus prototype was about 12 hands at the shoulder and had strong leg ligaments to add to his speed and power. This is considered by many to be the direct descendent to the Equus that would develop about 5 million years later. Equus is the genus of all modern equus essay. The first Equus were pony sized, with a classic "horsey" body - rigid spine, long neck, long legs, fused leg bones with no rotation, equus essay, long nose, flexible muzzle, equus essay, deep jaw.

Equus has high-crowned, straight grazing teeth with strong crests lined with cement. Horses originate in many different sizes and colors and have a life span of between 25 — 30 years. The four natural paces for the horse are the walk, trot, canter and gallop. Horses genus is Equus, Equus comes from the ancient Greek word meaning quickness. The following terminology is used to desc I will start by equus essay the play Equus, equus essay. In Equus Dysart the doctor surrenders to his job by helping kids become normal to the point where they will be accepted by society like he did with Alan, he helped Alan become normal but to do this he had to take away the most important thing that Alan had, which was his passion. When the two individuals first encounter a massive zebra, the sufi shows his astonishment by saying "Allahu-Akbar"" 84 while the biologist simply says "Equus burchelli boehmi"" Kumar, the biologist expresses "Equus burchelli equus essay, " to reference the scientific name of the Zebra species.

The strongest influence on theatre practitioners within the last 50 years or more has been that of Bertold Brecht - who believed that drama of the time was too passive. Comfortable in their position in the warm dark theatres, the "responsibility" of the audience was to watch the scenes u What is a play? Is it simply a novel acted out on stage? Is it a movie performed live? Many people would think so but that is because true theater is sometimes lost due to the extravagance of the Broadway musical. A play is much more of its own art and can not be so closely compared to film or other forms of literature. Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search.

Equus Word Count: Approx Pages: 4 Save Essay View my Saved Essays Downloads: 14 Login or Join Now to rate the paper. Essays Related to Equus 1. Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Grade Level: High School. Word Count: Approx Pages: 6 Has Bibliography Grade Level: High School. Evolution of the Horse. Word Equus essay Approx Pages: 2 Has Bibliography Grade Level: High School. Horses and Innate Behaviour, equus essay. Life of Pi - The Coexistence of Religion and Science. Word Count: Approx Pages: 6 Grade Level: Undergraduate. Word Count: Approx Pages: 13 Grade Level: High School.

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Shaffer chooses to tell the story from the perspective of a narrator looking back on the situation as it unfolded. From the very beginning, the audience knew how Dysart would eventually feel about treating Alan, which creates a sense of dramatic irony. They do not know, however, the reasons why Alan committed his crime, or the details surrounding it. As the story unfolds, audiences are kept interested as clues are slowly revealed, with the anticipation heightened by narrator-Dysart's occasional soliloquies lamenting what has happened.

The photograph of the horse that Alan received from his father took the place of a religious painting in Alan's bedroom, which was the first sign that horses held some kind of religious significance in his mind. The story Frank told about the religious chanting in his bedroom at age eleven confirmed this, and it was in this moment that Equus was officially "born" as a Christlike figure. Finally, Equus is in chains, bound as Jesus was on the cross, suffering as a result of humanity's sins. Dysart makes multiple allusions to his love for Greece in the beginning of the play, but the audience does not find out why he is so enthralled by it until his conversation with Hesther, in which he wishes he had someone to take there with him to truly understand.

Dysart loves Ancient Greece because of its abundance of worship. Gods lived in everything there, he says, in buildings, nature, and even people themselves. Gods were widespread and accepted in their different forms the way they are not in present-day society, and he envies the excitement and passion surrounding them. Though her character is not as prominent as the others, Hesther still serves an important role in furthering the story. Hesther was the one who originally argued to have Alan sent to Dysart, so naturally she is Dysart's voice of reason as he begins to doubt the morality of his career, ensuring him that taking Alan's pain away is truly the right thing to do.

Hesther is also subtly contrasted with Dysart's wife, though we never encounter her in person; she listens and responds to Dysart in a way that Margaret never did. Jill, a young, compassionate, pretty girl, enters this play as a test to see whether Alan's desires can truly be normal. At first he does not show the expected interest in her, and it appears that he only agrees to go on a date with her because he knows that is what would be expected of him. Later on, though, it seems that he actually wants to sleep with her. But he fails his test of normalcy when he cannot remove the image of Equus from his mind when he touches Jill, since the idea of intimacy with someone other than his god is so blasphemous. For both Alan and Dysart, dreams serve as a visual representation of their latent doubts and fears that they do not confront during the day.

This fits with the psychoanalytic theory of the unconscious, or the mind beneath the surface: dreams like Dysart's sacrifice dream and Alan's nightmares bring up elements of discomfort from deep in their minds so that they will at last face them. In uncovering the root causes behind Alan's crime, Dysart must determine whether his deviance stemmed from something innate in who he is, or from the circumstances of his upbringing. In reality, it is a little of both; yes, Alan's unconventional worship comes from inside of him, but his parents are not completely innocent as Dora insists they are; their controlling and confining methods of parenting made Alan feel a lack of freedom, and he looked to his newfound religion as a means of achieving this fulfillment. At the end of the play, Alan's fate is left ambiguous.

It does seem that Dysart has decided to alleviate Alan's pain and work to help him banish Equus forever, but a final statement is never made. Instead, Dysart uses his last soliloquy to focus on himself. He talks about his own pain and his own freedom, restricted by metaphorical chains similar to the ones Equus wears. The play starts and ends with Dysart, because Dysart has undergone the largest transformation out of all of the characters, coming to doubt and question his career and his life's purpose more so than he ever had before. The Question and Answer section for Equus is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Why is more to blame for Alans Actions? To write an effective essay on Equus, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own! Onstage, it is a visually engaging masterpiece, where the complexity of breathing life into characters and settings by the perfected interplay between actors and the stage is an enthralling and emotional experience for all ….

Summary: Dysart and Alan are in the office of Dysart, however they are pretending to be at the stables. Dysart asks questions to Alan and Alan answers all of them. Alan tells about his ritual in the stable. He does this ritual every time before …. Peter Shaffer was inspired to write Equus by the chance remark of a friend at the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC. The friend recounted to Shaffer a news story about a British youth who blinded twenty-six horses in a stable, seemingly without cause. Shaffer never confirmed …. Originally published: Playwright: Peter Shaffer Setting: The Present; Rokeby Psychiatric Hospital, Southern England Genre: Drama Characters: Alan Strang, Martin Dysart, Frank Strang, Dora Strang, Jill Mason, Harry Dalton, Hesther Saloman Feeling stuck when writing an essay on Equus?

Equus Horse Performance. Equus by Peter Shaffer Summary: Dysart and Alan are in the office of Dysart, however they are pretending to be at the stables. Equus Essay Examples. Equus Notes Peter Shaffer was inspired to write Equus by the chance remark of a friend at the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC.

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