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Culture shock essays

Culture shock essays

Got it. With the development of agriculture and increasing sedentism in complex civilizations, social differences among people in society is inevitable. The food and clothing styles will be different, as will the customs, rituals, and realities of daily life, culture shock essays. Culture shock is the part of your own experience. Sometimes they are very culture shock essays and I get worried that I will not be able to do my assignments.

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With the developmental process of internationalization, culture shock essays, more and more people go abroad to study culture shock essays start their business, so people from new cultural backgrounds will connect with other people and have to adapt the culture of the country where they are moving to. Those people are somehow involved cross-cultural communication in the foreign country. It means that they will encounter culture shock sooner or culture shock essays. One of the effects of culture shock is that it can create confusion, worrying, and stressful emotions.

Therefore, the individual's capability adapt to new culture is very necessary to mitigate culture culture shock essays. It is important to comprehend the causes of culture shock before try to get accustomed with it. Indeed, the process to adapt is difficult then it expected because their thinking and behaviours are deeply influenced by their own culture and those people may find it hard to change and fit with different culture. In summary, culture shock is one of the most popular issue in cross-cultural communication. Getting used to a strange culture can be a difficult task, especially, culture shock essays, for the people the first time going abroad.

When people approach to a new culture, it is apparent that they have to deal with intercultural communication and culture shock at the same time. Various reasons can lead to culture shock. Some of these reasons drive from unfamiliar with the local customs of living, the difference in language and differences in behaviours between the locals and the visitors. It has been discovered that culture shock strongly affects cross-cultural communication. However, in context of intercultural communication, culture shock is inevitable for people from on culture to another one, culture shock essays. People who move to the new country experiencing culture shock in the different way and living in a community that has different beliefs and values interacting with culture shock essays people of the local culture.

Fortunately, culture shock could usually be overcome with time. Feeling stuck when writing an essay on Culture Shock? If you are unable to get started on your task and need some inspiration, then you are in the right place. Culture Shock essays require a range of skills including understanding, interpretation and analysis, planning, research and writing. To write an effective essay on Culture Shock, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own! Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a culture shock essays environment which is different from one's own; it is also the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing.

Culture shock generally moves through four different phases: honeymoon, frustration, culture shock essays, adjustment, and acceptance. Individuals experience these stages differently, culture shock essays, and the impact and order of each stage vary widely. They can, however, provide a guideline of how we adapt and cope with new cultures. You'll only recognize the incorrect assumptions you might be making if you immerse yourself in a culture that runs on different values to those you're familiar with. In short, culture shock is as important for learning about yourself and your own culture as it is for fostering understanding between different peoples. Oberg coined the term "culture shock" and believed that all individuals went through a process of identity loss, strain, and confusion when interacting with a new culture.

According to Merriam- Webster, culture shock is a term used to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to …. The above definition of culture shock is mention in part indicates the causes of culture shock. The first time they go to a foreign country, everything is quite brand new and exciting. They have a chance to see new sights and landscapes, enjoys new kinds …, culture shock essays. Today, more and more people have tendency going abroad to study or set off their business, so people from one cultural background will interact and connect with people in the …, culture shock essays.

Executive Summary This reflective report encompasses my transition from Nigeria to the Nottingham Trent International College to the Nottingham Trent University. With a focus on personal goals and learning outcomes, this study has found a substantial indication of successful educational efforts, culture shock essays. Utilizing the Gibbs …, culture shock essays. I will also discuss some theories and in the end I will give a short story from my own experience. Definition of culture shock The definition of culture shock refers generally to the unpleasant experience that people get when they are coming in contact with ….

Abstract The factors of culture shock are various. Different values, beliefs and customs can create information overload. Besides, language barrier reduces the understanding of the new culture and makes people feel isolated. In addition, the difference in food is one of the culture shock essays factors of …. Last class, the professor let us see a picture. The picture tells us unlike America, Canada likes salad; different people can go into its culture and do not need to throw its own culture, like a melting pot.

I think this metaphor is very vivid. I believe that most of us have experienced culture shock by one culture shock essays or others …. Essays culture shock essays Culture Shock. Importance You'll only recognize the incorrect assumptions you might be making if you immerse yourself in a culture that runs on different values to those you're familiar with. Origin Oberg coined the term "culture shock" and believed that all individuals went through a process of identity loss, strain, and confusion when interacting with a new culture. Culture Shock. Definition of culture shock essay The above definition of culture shock is mention in culture shock essays indicates the causes of culture shock.

What causes culture shock? Anxiety Culture Shock. Hire a subject expert to help you with. Culture Shock I will also discuss some theories and in the end I culture shock essays give a short story from my own experience, culture shock essays. Anxiety Culture Shock Motivation. Analyze the Culture Shock Essay Abstract The factors of culture shock are various. Reflection on Culture Shock Last class, the professor let us see a picture. Culture Shock Experience Mentorship Optimism. Popular topics Celebration essays Cultural Dimension essays Cultural Differences essays Holi essays Halloween essays Festivals essays Family Vacation essays Vacation With Family essays Indian Culture essays Cultural Change essays Cultural Analysis essays Holidays essays Memorable Vacation essays Cultural Diversity essays Essence of Christmas essays Subculture essays My Vacation essays Buy Nothing Day essays Japanese Culture essays Western Civilization essays.

FAQ What is a culture shock essay? Culture shock is the emotion of confusion and anxiety experienced by someone who lives in a foreign country with a different cultures, culture shock essays. Culture shock can impact more people than one. What is culture shock example? Culture shock is the feeling people get when they move into unfamiliar environments. Here are 15 of the most common culture shocks non Americans have experienced in the US. They include Americans' lack of smiles and small talk, their obsession about guns, culture shock essays, and the large selection of products available at grocery stores. What are the effects of culture shock? You might have difficulty concentrating and may find it difficult focus on your courses.

Others find that culture shock essays are more easily irritable, culture shock essays, tearful, or more moody. All of these symptoms can increase your anxiety. Not Finding What You Need? Save time and let our verified experts help you, culture shock essays. Hire writer.

essays on american culture

They do not like to be asked their age, weight, salary, personal family matters, political opinions, or religion. In Kazakhstan we greet each other with hug and kiss, personal space is not an option. Kazakh people do not like too much personal space and would rather speak sitting or walking quite close to each other. As conversation proceeds, they tend to come closer and closer. Moreover, in Kazakhstan it is considered rude and disrespectful to keep a large distance during the conversation. In Kazakhstan, it is totally normal to ask about your marital status, age, or salary. I always considered myself a private person and prefer to share details of my personal life only with close friends, so adapting to this aspect of American culture was fairly easy for me.

Another shocking observation for me was the informality of the Americans. I think informality is a uniquely American value. It was one of the things that actually shocked me in a positive way. Calling your elders, teachers, and superiors by their first names was something unheard of in Kazakhstan where you have to use full name and middle name when addressing your superiors. Calling someone by their first name is usually a sign of friendliness or acceptance, not a way to making one feel unimportant. Informality also extends in the way people dress and communicate with each other.

If we are all social equals, then we can be informal in just about any situation. Part of the excitement of living in a new culture is learning about how it differs from your own culture. You might compare your values and customs with the new values and customs you observe every day. By learning to understand and navigate the culture of another country, we become more open-minded and accepting individuals. It teaches us to shape our own cultural identity, teaches us about ourselves. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique.

Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. So, around the year , there was a murder of a girl named Hae Min Lee. She was around 18 years old when her murder happened. Adnan and Hae were […]. George is a worker from the farm with his mentally impaired friend lennie.

He dreams of making enough money to buy a small farm. George acts as a parent to Lennie. George is responsible, calm, sensable, and ready to deal with anything that lays ahead of him. Even though lennie causes George a lot of […]. Larkin was born in England which means he grew up in a war-ridden time Orwin, Philip Larkin Biography. Fortunately, he was not ever directly apart of the war but this still was an extremely stressful time for all of England. Throughout history, children are often used in literature and movies to represent innocence, but what happens when that innocence is lost? William Golding adequately writes about this topic in the book, Lord of the Flies.

This piece is about a group of English schoolboys whose plane gets shot down while they are fleeing from a […]. Though there are various creation stories around the world, it is notable that each has many similarities and both have valuable information to impart to the readers. While reading A Doll House, it is apparent that Torvald Helmer is meant to be the foil of his wife Nora Helmer; shallow, overbearing, and demeaning. Before […]. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Culture shock prepared by our experts:. Culture Shock and Adaptation Abstract: This report is written on culture shock and adaptation of an international student in China during the period from September 01, to December 15, Effects of Culture Shock According to the conclusions of some literatures, cultural shock has brought us a lot of influence Chapdelaine et al.

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This paper will look at three major automobile manufacturers, one each from Europe, Japan and America, to examine the differences and similarities between them. Each company evolved differently, and did so on the basis of both national culture and in terms of the markets in which they operated. The companies studied are Ford, Hyundai and Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi. The latter makes a nice case study because it is a French-Japanese firm, one of the biggest and most powerful transnational automakers, but a model that if successful might be replicated increasingly in the future. Depictions American automakers are depicted both as monolithic giants, and as dinosaurs at the same time. It is only grudgingly that international press talks about….

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Branson believed that employees preferred to work under small companies than under large impersonal corporations. By the late s, for instance, he had fragmented his collection of companies into more than loosely…. Sources Bartol, K. Burns, T. Cherrington, D. Orgnizational Behavior, Appreciative Inquiry Commons. Ethnic nationality comes when a "consciousness of a shared identity within a group, rooted in a shared culture and a belief in common ancestry. Ethno-nationalism is a term that refers to nationalism based on this consciousness of ethnic nationality, as opposed to civic nationality" "Week 1".

This is in direct contrast to civic nationality. Civic nationality centers on the shared territory of the group of people. It matters little what each individual's ancestry is, as long as the person was born or is permanently residing within a geographic area "Week 1". For the Ukraine, it mattered little that the ussians were permanent residents, or that many had been born within the Ukrainian borders, what mattered was the shared culture of the Ukrainian people, and their ancestry. It should have been little surprise that ethnic nationalism took hold over civic nationalism. Civic nationalism usually occurs in well-institutionalized democracies "Week 1".

References Developments in Selected Non-Member Economies: The Russian Federation. History of Post-Soviet Russia. Ringo, Ringvee. Adaptability means survival, much like it does in nature. For a business to be adaptable, its workforce must concomitantly be able to adapt to change in the marketplace and customer demand. A company is only as strong as the ability of all its employees to meet its customers' expectations. This is particularly so when a company needs to make changes to its operations in order to accommodate a changing market. Change creates worker stress for a number of reasons. It could for example create insecurity, as workers are not sure whether their jobs will survive the change, particularly in the current economic climate.

Indeed, the economic climate has forced many companies to downsize, and any type of change may be construed as an attempt to follow suit. Secondly, change automatically creates uncertainty, as human beings tend to react badly to any removal from their "comfort" zone. In order to ensure…. Kohl's Culture Kohl's has a central corporate culture. What this means is that head office sets the overall corporate culture. The reason for this is that the roles within the company do not change much from one store to another, and from one warehouse to another. Thus, geography matters little. Thus, it is possible to create a centralized corporate culture that can be transmitted from head office around the country.

It remains the role of the different store managers to implement the corporate culture on the basis of what head office mandates, and there is limited physical oversight so in that sense there is some regional variation in terms of culture as implemented by different managers. But on the whole, the culture is set at the head office level and then implemented further down, within specific parameters. A key element of Kohl's culture is the focus on the associates, who…. References Bhasin, K. Why JC Penney's new corporate culture is failing.

Business Insider. Harvard Business Review. Chinese-Americans are one such group that doese not often receive an accurate or dynamically real representation of the spectrum of the culture or the people within it. Media representations in the west of Chinese-Americans are limited to a few stereotypes, generally. Some of those stereotypes include that all Chinese people practice and have mastered martial arts, and that all Chinese have exceptional intelligence in mathematics, sciences, and technology. Another media stereotype of the Chinese is that they are all short of stature, particularly poking fun at short men. Chinese men are often stereotypically represented as geeks or nerds -- exceptionally "book smart," but lacking in coolness and social skills.

References: Cheng, J. Media Representations of Asians. Kwak, A. Asian-Americans in the Television Media: Creating Incentive for Change. Boston College Third World Journal, 24 2 , -- Wo, E. Beyond the Color Line: Asian-American Representations in the Media. Language, Cultural Narrative, Symbols, and Myths Used for Political Purposes in the "ar on Terrorism" Today In the initial years of the 21st century, the United States has entered a new heyday of manipulative language use, especially by high-level post politicians and political operators.

Increasingly, for example, metaphor, myth, cultural narrative and storytelling for often distracting, obfuscating, or even downright nefarious purposes by high-level politicians and their associates, is used to construct politically advantageous "truths," usually out of thin air. Moreover, in post America, these sometimes even humorously hyperbolic, supposedly patriotically-inspired phrases and slogans are remarkably successful, in their aim convincing many Americans to think, act and believe in particular "appropriate" or "patriotic" ways. In fact, it increasingly seems that manipulative metaphorical or hyperbolic language is employed, with frequent effectiveness, to draw verbal distinctions between supposedly "patriotic" Americans those who still favor the war with Iraq and "unpatriotic" ones….

Works Cited Brown, Drew, and Lisa Fadel. General's Remarks Contradict Cheney on Strength of Insurgency. Knight Ridder Newspapers. Retrieved August 15, , from:. March 23, Retrieved August 14, , from: www. Individuals across cultures are diagnosed with all different types of sexual disorders. A sexual disorder is classified as a disorder that involves sexual functioning, desires, or performance Mosby These disorders have a huge affect on people because they can affect their own personal social lives. There are many sexual disorders and dysfunctions that individuals suffer from. Along with these disorders, there are many different factors and many treatments that have been used to help these individuals.

A man by the name of obert Kelly has a particular sexual disorder in which he has reoccurring sexual fantasies that usually involve a nonliving object. It is no surprise that he suffers from this disorder because both his parents are diagnosed with it. Coming from a low income background where the family is living from paycheck to paycheck, treatment has not been given to Mr. Kelly due to low income. Since he…. References Fallon, L. Retrieved December 5, from Encyclopedia. html Fetishism. Encyclopedia of mental disorders. Retrieved , Dec. html Heffner, C. All Psych Online. Retrieved Dec. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott's defining work, which brought her much fame in her time, is a biographical account of her family.

In the book, her father Amos ronson is Mr. March and her mother Abigail May is Marmee, while her older sister Anna is Meg and younger sisters Lizzie and May are eth and Amy, respectively. And Louisa May is the lead character, Josephine or Jo March, the second daughter. The novel, published in , made Alcott a major author of her era. The March family is poor all throughout, and the women are always doing routine housework, which bores and frustrates them. March serves as a Union chaplain in the Civil War, which then rages, and he writes his family to inspire them to be more tolerant of their poverty and hardships. The girls wake up on Christmas morning to find copies of books under their pillows,….

Bibliography Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women. com Microsoft Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia accessed Microsoft Corporation Schafer, Nancy Imelda. Life and Works of Louisa May Alcott. Camden County Free Library. Their main arguments are based on historical assumptions and on facts which have represented turning points for the evolution of the African-American society throughout the decades, and especially during the evolutionary War and the Civil War. In this regard, the Old Negro, and the one considered to be the traditional presence in the Harlem, is the result of history, and not of recent or contemporary events.

From the point-of-view of historical preconceptions and stereotypes, it would unwise to consider Harlem as being indeed a cancer in the heart of a city, taking into account the fact that there is no objective comparison being made. Locke points out the fact that the Negro of today be seen through other than the dusty spectacles of past controversy. The day of "aunties," "uncles" and "mammies" is equally gone. Uncle Tom and Sambo have passed on, and even the "Colonel" and "George" play barnstorm…. References Anderson, Karen Tucker. Barnes, Albert C. Negro Art and America. html Brown, Claude. Manchild in the Promised Land. New York: Touchstone, Charles S. Black Workers and the City. Sing with the Pigs is Human According to the dictionary, 'anthropology' is the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings.

The Kaulong peoples of Papua New Guinea devote their lives to moving from the lowest status to political "big men" and "big women," by displaying their accumulation of knowledge at all-night singing competitions ending in pig sacrifice and feasting. In the course of her fieldwork with the Kaulong, who live on the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea, Jane Goodale discovered and catalogued that everything of importance to them - every event, relationship, and transaction - was rooted in their constant quest for recognition as human beings. Goodale takes considerable time to determine both the Kaulong definition of 'human' and catalogue the tribal rituals and relationships that build into the Kaulong definition.

Her book is the result of her field work, living with…. Works Cited Goodale, Jane. To Sing with the Pigs is Human. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Conclusion egardless of the many ways that modern technology and societies have changed the way music is produced, in many respects, music still provides many of the same functions as it always has. Music continues to be featured prominently in cultural and religious expression and it continues to be an important part of adolescent development and self-expression. Ultimately, music will likely always continue to change in superficial ways and in the manner in which it is produced and disseminated, but in its most fundamental character, it remains unchanged in it significance to human society and culture..

eferences Brownlee S. References Brownlee S. Dennet D. Consciousness Explained. Gerrig R. And Zimbardo P. Psychology and Life. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Outsourcing Its Impact The effects of outsourcing in today's economy Effects on People Being an expatriate Breaking the language barrier Culture Shock Outsourcing and people dynamics: Impact on company Effects on Economy Capital flows Impact on technology Global management and outsourcing The effects of outsourcing in today's economy Outsourcing has become an increasingly popular business strategy for transnational organizations. Many of the U. corporations started outsourcing their manufacturing operations since late s. This was due to the potential advantages, both from an economic as well as regulatory perspective that business operations in foreign lands provided to these businesses.

Initially, the U. firms running in financial troubles chose to set their cost intensive operations abroad such as manufacturing and call centers in low cost countries. Gradually, when the cost benefits were realized, other companies from various industrial sectors also strengthened this trend of outsourcing. Pharmaceutical industry was the first to witness…. Works Cited Bartel, Ann, Saul Lach, and Nachum Sicherman. Outsourcing and technological change. National Bureau of Economic Research, : Caligiuri, Paula, and Victoria Di Santo. Drezner, Daniel W. Dunleavy, Patrick, and Christopher Hood. For any expatriate manager to be effective they must immerse themselves at a very visceral level, and become fully integrated into the new environment. This is also especially true for the managers' family, with his wife needing to find a role for herself yet also connect with the other women in ther8i neighborhood.

The societal norms and values are more easily learned by spouses however, as they intermingle with other wives and mothers who are busy teaching these values to their children as well. Women find it generally easier to become polycentric as they are more apt to ask for assistance and less apt to feel their authority is somehow undermined by asking for assistance. The critical point of all this is that any new expatriate assignment needs to be taken on within a sense of duty to the staff there and a willingness to move quickly out of an…. Nature of Organizations and the Contemporary Environment Cultural norms play an important part in interpersonal relationships and mechanisms at work.

Culture is the collective mental programming of an individual's mind, which distinguishes one person from another. Individuals have defined sets of beliefs and about the society: nature works and the standards of behavior derived from these values. This shows that culture greatly affects social norms and economic behaviors like the propensity to innovate or save and other economic decisions, including investment in education, willingness to contribute to the society, fertility choices, and charitable contributions. This study shows how one's environment and culture affect organizations and management approaches as seen in the case of Myers. The adoption of Hofstede's dimensions of culture to compare American and Korean assumptions about interpersonal management and relationships will be critical in this study.

The study also offers recommendations that Myers could have made in her…. Reference Green, S. The would-be pioneer. American Culture riters such as Pico Iyer, Richard Pells, and Joseph Nye are in fact correct that the world culture has not and will not be Americanized. These writers are correct in asserting that American culture is ever forceful, but still America remains just one influence in a multicultural world: a manifestation of globalization. ith such a supreme focus on America, it can seem like America is the dominant force; however, this is just a result of a skewed perspective. It is true that other cultures have also spread outwards and that local cultures cannot and will not be destroyed. The phenomenon of culture shock is direct evidence of the fact that American culture is not as pervasive as many people would like to assert that it is.

As centers for study abroad programs in various universities explain, culture shock is a logical reaction to the body and mind in…. Works Cited Balko, R. Retrieved from globalpolicy. html Chapman. Culture Shock. Retrieved from Chapman. aspx Kitamura, H. Screening Enlightenment. NewYork: Cornell University Press. communications in business. Specifically it will discuss communication in business in Japan, including intercultural interactions and successful communications. Often we don't think about the culture and etiquette of doing business in another country, and that's a giant mistake. For example, communication with Japanese clients can be very different that communication with clients here in America.

Here are some tips on how to communicate effectively while you're working with Japanese clients. When we do business in Japan, we must be aware of differing cultural values, language, etiquette, and business customs that can be very different from our own. To ensure that we don't offend or anger our Japanese business partners, we need to ensure that we act and communicate according to their customs, to ensure our success. We also want our staff to feel comfortable while they're working in Japan, and suffer from as little culture shock as possible, so business…. References Abrahams, M.

Doing business in Japan. Retrieved 16 Oct. Japanese business etiquette. Fashol, G. I would have preferred to continue with the initial plans. It is difficult to develop international careers in the case of dual careers couples. I think it depends mostly on the type of careers of the people in the couple. Technical jobs are the most flexible types of careers. Technicians can adapt professionally in any country. But jobs that depend on countries' cultures are less flexible. These can be jobs in marketing, certain types of management, jobs in culture, education, advertising, and others. Therefore it is important to determine the flexibility of the job, the differences between the same job in different countries, and the importance of these differences Brislin, Companies can significantly influence the success of their employees' jobs in different countries.

This is because their success relies on the conditions they have there. Companies should provide the resources necessary in the case of these employees…. Reference list: 1. Marx, E. Breaking Through Culture Shock. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Cultural Dimensions Theory Value-Based Management. Brislin, R. Working with Cultural Differences. Fifty Miles Tomorrow, terms After one becomes familiar with all of the relevant primary source autobiographies that exist for Wilma Mankiller, William Hensley, and Geronimo, it greatly appears that in terms of culture shock, Hensley had more in common with Mankiller than with Geronimo.

There are a number of salient reasons as to why this assertion is true. The first of these pertains to the time period in which these individuals lived. Hensley and Mankiller were both born at the midway point of the 20th century. Geronimo, however, was born in the early part of the 19th century. Although Hensley was born in Alaska and Mankiller was born in the continental U. The thoughts, actions and sentiments of the time period in which Geronimo was born, however, was much different than those factors as they applied to the other pair…. References Hensley, W. New York: Sarah Crichton Books. A loud burp in one setting can be a high compliment, but in others it will be considered enormously offensive.

Confronting law enforcement figures over perceived transgressions of their authority is a highly prized tradition in the West, but these confrontations are actively avoided in the East. Likewise, standing for women entering a room is de rigueur in Western cultures, but such practices would be viewed as incongruent with the cultures of many Eastern countries. Then there is the matter of which hand to use and when, because these issues are significant in the East where the right hand is used for contact with others and the left hand reserved for other purposes, but such considerations never enter the minds of people in the West because this practice is not followed.

Despite these fundamental differences in religion, language, worldviews and cultural practices, it is possible to navigate these differences if…. According to the Kohlberg theory, the post-conventional level is when a person develops social contract orientation and becomes principled. I believe I felt that I owed society an obligation to work and try to make it better, so I sought public welfare work Fowler, p. Eventually, a better job opportunity came to me in the form of a state job in the Department of Youth and Family Services, so I decided to leave the school system. I transferred from my city job and was able work in my chosen field. Between working there and at Families Matter, New Jersey, I learned quite a bit. I would spend hours with parents who did not have the skills to help themselves and children who were in crisis.

This motivated me even more to finish my bachelor's degree. This experience made me realize how lucky I was to have supportive family and…. References Colby, a and Kohlberg, L. The Measurement of Moral Judgment, Vol 2. Standard Issue Scoring Manual. Cambridge University Press. Fowler, J. New York: Paulist Press. Harder, a. The developmental stages of Erik Erikson. Learning Place Online. Kohlberg, Lawrence In a general sense, cultures and differences among cultures can be described and measured along cultural dimensions Hall, , ; Hofstede, , , ; House et al. Due to significant developments in this field and the available range of value dimension studies, it is better to understand the possible impact of similarities and differences among cultures.

Dimensions, which are quantitatively measured, can be used in statistical models regression analysis as well as to help explain…. Also, in the justification section, you use the terms "physical" and "relational" proximity. These are not terms that are used in the proposal. Either define them above or use terms that are defined. Once again, you may want to explain how this benefit compares to what is derived from Hofstede's approach. There are numerous studies on why Hofstede's approach does not work. You could address some of these studies and demonstrate why your methodology would prove better.

As you see, I have also noted areas that need sources and moved paragraphs around as well as added some copy. Make sure that every statement of fact that you present is backed up with a source, unless it is your own thought. Hofstede, Geert. Culture's Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, The underlying beliefs from which their entire cultures were based on stemmed from the exact same teachings of religious hierarchy, explanations about an unfamiliar world, and beliefs that brought social order to their respective societies. Family life was an aspect that both united and differentiated the Indians from the Europeans.

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